More info & pics of FirstWatt F3 PowerJFet on Sixmoons

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moe29 said:
reviewer doesn't know the difference between a MOSFET and a JFET!

The picture arrangements on the 6-Moon shoots makes me wonder if Srajan may not have had an outstanding lady hairdresser career.
Might well be a reason for Srajan fancying the DarTZeel on appearance alone.

George is a math wizzard of Oz, i believe NP was boasting 50 inches.
Ever been to the Seychelles, George ?:clown:
I was once the moderator here. The first one, in fact. Those days have faded into the mists of history and there are few here now who remember.
Old habits die hard. When I see something like this going on, I watch for a while, then act. With that in mind, I now go to the closet and pull out my dusty moderator hat. Time, once more, to tilt at windmills.

From a retired moderator:
I have been debating with myself as to how to take mastertech's posts. Sometimes I think he's just playing games, trying to get people to react. Other times I think he really is a lost as he appears to be. The thing is, he doesn't appear to realize just how far afield some of his posts appear to others.
If the first scenario is the proper one, then my view is to hand some back.
If--and I say if--the second scenario is the correct interpretation, then that raises the question of how best to relate to someone in his position. I, and hopefully those who have read any significant fraction of my posts will agree that I have tried to practice what I preach, have always viewed DIY as a site where people could come to learn things. Whether I have an answer or not isn't the point--someone here is likely to. And that's the beauty of the thing. There are lots of people here, some who have answers, some who have questions, and some who have both. And that's the way it should be.
Unfortunately, every once in a while a person comes through the door who wants to play a different role. Sometimes you get people who ask things to which they already know the answers. They're either testing, which isn't necessarily all that bad, or they're trying to povoke an argument, which is very bad, indeed.
Then there are the ones who come in spouting answers, whilst clearly not having a clue as to what they're talking about. It doesn't take long for these people to reveal themselves--usually it's obvious within the first dozen posts or so. They're all attitude, but way, way off-base in their replies. Another dead giveaway is the hostile posture they take when someone points out their errors. Not that people here don't sometimes get a little heated in their responses when challenged, but the 'feel' of the know-nothing's post is different. There's a more hysterical edge to the anger; a more defensive tone.
From the beginning, mastertech has attempted to portray himself as an expert in class A amplification. Unfortunately, I haven't seen much in his posts to back up that assertion. Perhaps I missed the posts with insightful, helpful responses. Possibly. But I don't think so. Most of the posts I have seen have been either rote recitations of platitudes or rather bristly responses to others' reactions to the devoid-of-content posts. Scattered among these are 'buddy' posts, wherein he tries to act intimate with people he clearly doesn't know at all.
The question is where to go from here.
If you're trying to prod people into a reaction, stop it. It's annoying and pointless. Eventually the moderators will drop a rock on your head. Pinkmouse has just fired a shot across your bow. You would be wise to pay heed.
I have seen little evidence that you have anything to offer in the way of answers. That's okay! What we need from you as a member of this site is a forthright admission that you are more of a student. It need not be in words. I, for one, am not asking for an outright apology. There's no need to grovel. Just ask reasonable questions and wait for responses. Then a little discussion and maybe a few follow-up questions if you don't understand the answers you were given. It's that simple.
Yes, there are issues in audio where people hold conflicting views and sometimes that can get confusing if you're trying to learn. If you hang around here for long, you'll get an idea as to which posters have more credibility. Hint: Look for the names Nelson Pass, John Curl, Charles Hansen, audio1 (Demian Martin), and Walt Jung, among others. If they say something, pay attention. To paraphrase an old book title, your arms are too short to box with those guys. Later, maybe in a year or two, you'll be in a position to joust a bit, but for now listen and learn.
Settle down. Quit trying to be something you're not.
Become what you have the potential to become.

And now, if you don't mind, I'm going to put my moderator hat back in the closet. I'm retired from moderating and prefer it that way.

The one and only
Joined 2001
Paid Member
davidsrsb said:
Do these lovoltech jfets follow the usual zero temperature coefficient at Vp + 0.65 rule for njfets?

Looking at the data sheets Vp is about zero for thes devices and they appear to be operated +ve Vgs ~ 0.6V

I'm operating them at about 1.7A with a Vgs of about -1.1.
I do have to adjust the cascode's voltage bias after warmup,
but this is to compensate for drift of both the JFET, the two
Mosfets, and the npn reference voltage device on the current

When I'm testing Vgs at about 1 amp and 2 volts Vds, I don't
see the value shift much as the device warms up, so it's
not very sensitive to temperature.

Nelson Pass said:

I'm operating them at about 1.7A with a Vgs of about -1.1.
I do have to adjust the cascode's voltage bias after warmup,
but this is to compensate for drift of both the JFET, the two
Mosfets, and the npn reference voltage device on the current

When I'm testing Vgs at about 1 amp and 2 volts Vds, I don't
see the value shift much as the device warms up, so it's
not very sensitive to temperature.

It looks like this device might have a useful zero temperature coefficient point then.
Joined 2002
Paid Member
GRollins said:
I have been debating with myself as to how to take mastertech's posts. Sometimes I think he's just playing games, trying to get people to react. Other times I think he really is a lost as he appears to be. The thing is, he doesn't appear to realize just how far afield some of his posts appear to others.

Hi Grey,

All correct. As an Australian, I find some of his behaviour very embarrassing. :eek:

I have come to the conclusion though, George deserves our pity, as I think he has a few issues and needs our help to get him through them. A bit of positive encouragement may help. Come on George post a few pictures of your amps and let us see how good you are. ;)

You know Greg is a really nice guy, but at times he is a pain in the *** , i forgive
the Bloke and i ignore his personal remarks i had no argument with him i know
he is still young and inexperienced, i tend to critisise the experts such as NP and
GRollins about class-a Design methodology and performance thats where i find
the stuff i need to learn to be like NP

Official Court Jester
Joined 2003
Paid Member
mastertech said:
You know Greg is a really nice guy, but at times he is a pain in the *** , i forgive
the Bloke and i ignore his personal remarks i had no argument with him i know
he is still young and inexperienced, i tend to critisise the experts such as NP and
GRollins about class-a Design methodology and performance thats where i find
the stuff i need to learn to be like NP


you're my idol!
mastertech said:
You know Greg is a really nice guy,
he is still young and inexperienced,

I tend to critisise the experts such as NP and GRollins
about class-a Design methodology and performance.
Thats where I find the stuff I need to learn to be like NP


Yeah, what could we possibly learn by discussing with Greg Erskine.
What a waste of time.
Joined 2002
Paid Member
mastertech said:
You know Greg is a really nice guy, but at times he is a pain in the *** , i forgive
the Bloke and i ignore his personal remarks i had no argument with him i know
he is still young and inexperienced

Good one George. Got me back there. ;)

lineup said:
Yeah, what could we possibly learn by discussing with Greg Erskine.
What a waste of time.

Thanks lineup for the vote of confidence. :xeye: I've been trying to help George for months to use the quote feature, use correct capitalisation and punctuation to help him communicate. Sort of took him under my wing. I would really like him to post some pictures for his class A amps so we can have a look (and learn).

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