Moode Audio Player for Raspberry Pi

I suspect the build is still incomplete for some reason, perhaps some repositories were not not available during building. I say this because I had similar behaviour from my first build attempt.

Have you checked the build log for errors? As @koda59 has said in another post:

Could you please post the last lines of /home/pi/mosbuild.log?
(tail -20 /home/pi/mosbuild.log)


See attached pic. Clearly the install was not successful. When creating the image file, it gave me an option for wifi or ethernet. I selected wifi. Then it asked me for SSID, and then it asked me to "make connections" to which I responded "Y" first, and IIRC nothing happen, and then when I entered "N" it asked me for a password. Maybe I screwed something up there?

In any case, would you recommend reformatting the card with the current moode install. Restart the image build via Raspbian but make sure I'm connected via ethernet?


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See attached pic. Clearly the install was not successful. When creating the image file, it gave me an option for wifi or ethernet. I selected wifi. Then it asked me for SSID, and then it asked me to "make connections" to which I responded "Y" first, and IIRC nothing happen, and then when I entered "N" it asked me for a password. Maybe I screwed something up there?

In any case, would you recommend reformatting the card with the current moode install. Restart the image build via Raspbian but make sure I'm connected via ethernet?

Do it via Ethernet, it will be easier with this version of builder ;)
I suspect something wrong with ssid or password (special char or space in it ?) but the builder can’t download first component to begin install.

Next version contains a lot of improvements and has better wifi’s Support.

Sorry for theses troubles at this time ... future must be better
Sorry for theses troubles at this time

Ouch ! I'm so sad to read that... you can't say that !!! you have made a script who simplify extremely the installation process, it is used by many of us and work well in many case, but yes your first try is not bug free and it's not a problem when you correct it directly like you do for mosbuild. You can't apologise because it's not online now and you can't do anything about that. I'm so sorry to see that !

For the problem of Dkalsi and manniraj i think is because "say yes to all the options" (like suzywong say, but she's right !) activate the proxy and in this case the proxy is not well configured because they don't need proxy...

I recommend to use the script to do the installation (bug for localisation and special chars in wifi are corrected)
Round 3 - moosimbu
but before modify the script like i say in this post :
you must remove these two lines from the cancelBuild function before launch it the first time (line 48 and 49 of
	rm -rf mosbuild 2> /dev/null
	rm -f *.zip 2> /dev/null
after that if you have an error you just reboot the pi and the installation restart to the right step

and follow the instruction of the first post to install moOde (say no to the proxy !!)

Good luck !
hello there, what is the procedure to update to the latest version? sudo apt-get update & sudo apt-get upgrade?

If you are running a moOde 4 beta 6-11, see these instructions from Tim:

There is also an in-place update for Beta 6-11 --> Beta 12.

It MUST be run from cmd line AND on an un-squashed /var/www !! The browser title will revert to "moOde Player" after the update. Use System config to change it, then APPLY MPD settings to get the new DoP param.

sudo /var/www/command/ r40b12

Also, BE SURE to backup /var/www and /var/local/www directories before applying the update in case you need to revert!
If you need to unsquash /var/www/ then you can use these commands (from @Fininchen):

cd ~ 
sudo umount /var/www 
sudo unsquashfs -d /var/www /var/local/moode.sqsh 

sudo /var/www/command/ r40b12  

sudo rm /var/local/moode.sqsh 
sudo mksquashfs /var/www /var/local/moode.sqsh

sudo rm -rf /var/www/* 
sudo reboot
editing header

Hi Folks,

I have just discovered moode. I started years ago with Volumio, then used Rune and recently found moode.

I need a bit of assistance. I am not a php wizard. In actual fact, I don't get it at all. But, I do need to put a permanent link into either the header or the footer so that I can jump back to my home page. Basically, I am using moode on a kiosk machine and I don't have a back button. I need a way to jump back to my main launch page.

I found the header.php page in /var/local/www/ and I think that is where it would go. Just looking for a simple link to go to "http://x.x.x.x/switches.html".

Anybody able to direct me? I tried a bunch of stuff, but I just kept pooching the page.

Now after I restart I am getting an error "502 Bad Gateway
nginx/1.10.3" on the browser. What could be the issue has the OS corrupted as I am unable to SSH the Pi, looks like the Beta version is not stable and I need to wait till the month end for the official full release candidate.

Much more likely is that you didn’t complete the build correctly.

The first Beta 4 version I made has been working flawlessly for a couple of months now. The latest (Beta12) that I built last week and have been thrashing, similarly.

Use Koda59s script, start from scratch, use a quality SD card.
Hi Folks,

I have just discovered moode. I started years ago with Volumio, then used Rune and recently found moode.

I need a bit of assistance. I am not a php wizard. In actual fact, I don't get it at all. But, I do need to put a permanent link into either the header or the footer so that I can jump back to my home page. Basically, I am using moode on a kiosk machine and I don't have a back button. I need a way to jump back to my main launch page.

I found the header.php page in /var/local/www/ and I think that is where it would go. Just looking for a simple link to go to "http://x.x.x.x/switches.html".

Anybody able to direct me? I tried a bunch of stuff, but I just kept pooching the page.


You need to unsquash the www files before you can write to them, then it should be easy enough to add a http link without knowing php...

The alternative is to build a separate home page that calls the moode interface inside a table page - that would mean you don’t need to change anything in moode and it works independently.
You need to unsquash the www files before you can write to them, then it should be easy enough to add a http link without knowing php...

The alternative is to build a separate home page that calls the moode interface inside a table page - that would mean you don’t need to change anything in moode and it works independently.

"unsquash" the www files? How did vegetables get involved? Kidding. No idea what this means.

Second idea is interesting. The thing is, I would need that html page to present the moode interface full screen. I don't have any spare real estate on my main kiosk screens. Not sure how to do this, but I can play with it a bit.

You need to unsquash the www files before you can write to them, then it should be easy enough to add a http link without knowing php...

The alternative is to build a separate home page that calls the moode interface inside a table page - that would mean you don’t need to change anything in moode and it works independently.
Ditto the unsquashing. The easiest way is probably to add your link as an item in the main menu, look for <li> elements with appropriate names in header.php and the rest should be pretty obvious.
Current Build onto SD Card


I'm out of my league here. I used very old 2015 image and trying to update now. Attached is screen capture of SD contents.

Would you please point me to steps on how to convert current
build into disc image. I am not sure how to to run it from SD card.

I cannot find my old notes. Only recall copying image onto SD card,
running Noobs and Putty to setup.

I hope it is not as bad as it looks :confused:



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Ditto the unsquashing. The easiest way is probably to add your link as an item in the main menu, look for <li> elements with appropriate names in header.php and the rest should be pretty obvious.

I tried googling unsquashing. Didn't get too far. Not sure what I am looking for to do this.

I was hoping to put a simple "Home" link on the top menu bar. The main menu would require two clicks and this is something we use a lot. Always visible is the preferred approach.

If somebody can point me the right way with this unsquashing, I can play around with the php files to make it look like I want.

Hi Folks,

I have just discovered moode. I started years ago with Volumio, then used Rune and recently found moode.

I need a bit of assistance. I am not a php wizard. In actual fact, I don't get it at all. But, I do need to put a permanent link into either the header or the footer so that I can jump back to my home page. Basically, I am using moode on a kiosk machine and I don't have a back button. I need a way to jump back to my main launch page.

I found the header.php page in /var/local/www/ and I think that is where it would go. Just looking for a simple link to go to "http://x.x.x.x/switches.html".

Anybody able to direct me? I tried a bunch of stuff, but I just kept pooching the page.


Ditto the unsquashing. The easiest way is probably to add your link as an item in the main menu, look for <li> elements with appropriate names in header.php and the rest should be pretty obvious.


Here's an example. The first line in the code block below is to be found in header.php (careful, there's a second Refresh line which looks similar). I added the second line just after it
<li class="context-menu menu-separator"><a href="javascript:location.reload(true); void 0"><i class="icon-repeat sx"></i> Refresh</a></li>
<li><a href="http://somewhere"><i class="icon-home sx"></i> Home</a></li>

I've attached a screenshot of the resulting moOde pull-down menu. Clicking on the "home" entry takes your browser to http://somewhere...

Which is where exactly? I ask because moOdeOS is an integrated system. It starts up the nginx webserver and the moOde UI *is* the home page. You've got some work to do whether you alter the moOde code (not a good idea, IMHO) or bring up another webserver or .... @Zootalaws has suggested an approach. Candidly I don't understand what you are trying to achieve so I'll bow out.


PS - somehow the forum quoting mechanism didn't include @Zootalaws' reply. Sorry.


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So I tried rebuilding the whole thing. Again no luck.

I've attached an image from the build log. The good thing is that I'm getting a different error than last time :)

If you have used the script and modified like i said in my previous post, just reboot it and the installation process restart at this step...

For helping this step of the build (and all the build process, i don't know exactly why but i had 100% success with this trick) you can test to launch these 2 commands before launch the installation process (only with the one SD Card method) :
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get -y upgrade
you can do it now if you have modified the script and reboot after the process has finished.

Good luck
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I tried googling unsquashing. Didn't get too far. Not sure what I am looking for to do this.

I was hoping to put a simple "Home" link on the top menu bar. The main menu would require two clicks and this is something we use a lot. Always visible is the preferred approach.

If somebody can point me the right way with this unsquashing, I can play around with the php files to make it look like I want.


This is the info on unsquashing, modifying, and squashing back again.

Creating and using squashed file systems
Hi All,
I gave it a try and installed Raspbian on a Pi2 and followed these instructions:

Enter these commands via SSH on a Raspberry Pi running Raspbian.

1. Download the Image Builder

cd /home/pi
sudo wget -q -O /home/pi/
sudo chmod +x /home/pi/

2. Start the Image Builder

sudo ./

All went well and the img was written to the USB stick.

Now what ? How do I boot the build ? After reboot, I was back in Raspbian again ??
