Moode Audio Player for Raspberry Pi

Shairport error in Beta 12 build recipe?

Hello Tim,

Just built the latest v4 beta 12 image - very impressive.

I had one problem with Airplay - according to the build recipe Shairport is disabled and Airplay does not work - this had me stumped until I simply ignored everything from sudo systemctl disable shairport-sync. It now seems to work fine. Am I being dense here?


cd ~
sudo git clone GitHub - mikebrady/shairport-sync: AirPlay audio player. Shairport Sync adds multi-room capability with Audio Synchronisation
cd shairport-sync
sudo autoreconf -i -f
sudo ./configure --with-alsa --with-avahi --with-ssl=openssl --with-soxr --with-metadata --with-stdout --with-systemd
sudo make
sudo make install
sudo systemctl disable shairport-sync
cd ~
sudo rm -rf ./shairport-sync
sudo cp ./rel-stretch/usr/local/etc/shairport-sync.conf /usr/local/etc
Hello Tim,

Just built the latest v4 beta 12 image - very impressive.

I had one problem with Airplay - according to the build recipe Shairport is disabled and Airplay does not work - this had me stumped until I simply ignored everything from sudo systemctl disable shairport-sync. It now seems to work fine. Am I being dense here?


cd ~
sudo git clone GitHub - mikebrady/shairport-sync: AirPlay audio player. Shairport Sync adds multi-room capability with Audio Synchronisation
cd shairport-sync
sudo autoreconf -i -f
sudo ./configure --with-alsa --with-avahi --with-ssl=openssl --with-soxr --with-metadata --with-stdout --with-systemd
sudo make
sudo make install
sudo systemctl disable shairport-sync
cd ~
sudo rm -rf ./shairport-sync
sudo cp ./rel-stretch/usr/local/etc/shairport-sync.conf /usr/local/etc


If you ignore lines in a build recipe section then your image will be broken. The line below needs to be executed otherwise Airplay will be started every time at boot regardless of whether its turned on in Audio config, and it will be started without config params. You also might end up with multiple instances of it running.

sudo systemctl disable shairport-sync

Thanks Tim for the great work !
i'm playing with bluetooth and sound is good, from my android device or windows laptop.
But i'd like to know a little more about the codec used etc...
Is there a way to get some BT info on the pi ? I'm okay with ssh etc...
thanks :)


Thats a good question!

I'm not that familiar with A2DP protocol or the Bluetooth utils that might provide some CODEC info but I'm seeing 16/44.1 in ALSA output when I send a stream over BT to moOde from Apple Music.

If you ignore lines in a build recipe section then your image will be broken. The line below needs to be executed otherwise Airplay will be started every time at boot regardless of whether its turned on in Audio config, and it will be started without config params. You also might end up with multiple instances of it running.

sudo systemctl disable shairport-sync
To expand on that a little in the original build instructions Tim explains that the different services are shut down after they're installed because they're controlled by moode. With it installed per instructions you can stop/start/restart the services as needed.

@Krtecek - the build script is currently the way to install moode and b12 is the current release, previous versions as images aren't available.
New UI? Is the UI gonna change? A lot?
Can we have a preview of what it's going to be like?
Will it look good on my 7" PI3 display?


Hi Johan,

Don't worry, even though its a major redesign in appearance and in the efficiency of the code underneath including a completely new Library panel, it will look and feel very familiar and moOde'ish, and it will be much easier to use especially on mobile :) It works fine on the 7" Touch :)

I don't think you need a user account to view twitter feeds.

I've got a little problem with Moode and Pi2Design's new 502DAC PRO. I've been investigating all afternoon and hope someone more knowlegeable than myself can shed light on what is happening...

I'm hearing low level (digital?) noise using the headphone output of the 502DAC PRO in an "out of the box" configuration with Moode 4.0 Beta 12. This only seems to occur with 16 bit 44KHz FLAC recordings, everything else I have tried ( MP3's, 24 bit 96Khz FLAC, AAC-encoded radio streams) are all completely clean. The system behaves exactly the same whether I select 502DAC PRO or HifiBerry Digi Pro, makes no difference. The noise can easily be heard in quiet recordings and can be reproduced with everything by playing a 16 bit FLAC and turning the software volume down to 1 or 2. Fortunately, I have found that editing MPD settings and turning on SOX resampling to 24 bit / * KHz seems to fix the problem - the question is, why?

My "out of the box" configuration comprises 502DAC PRO (without volume control board), RPI3, standard Raspberry PSU powering both RPI3 and 502DAC PRO from the Pi power input, Moode 4.0 Beta 12 built with the latest Raspian Stretch lite.
Oh cool...looking forward to it...
The display now is the only thing that really bothers me, except from the characters with accents and stuff. They're not shown correctly. And if I use ISO 8859-1 the songs with weird chars aren't shown at all. But like I said, that's the least of my (and your) problems. I'll bring it up again once you made the major changes to M4. ;-)

New UI? Is the UI gonna change? A lot?
Can we have a preview of what it's going to be like?
Will it look good on my 7" PI3 display?
You can read twitter accounts without signing up. These are a few weeks old:

I would say think refined rather than changed, except for mobile which is quite a bit different. Moode always sounded better to me than the competition, but lagged behind in looks. Not anymore (I may be just a bit biased though, lol.)
I've got a little problem with Moode and Pi2Design's new 502DAC PRO. I've been investigating all afternoon and hope someone more knowlegeable than myself can shed light on what is happening...

I'm hearing low level (digital?) noise using the headphone output of the 502DAC PRO in an "out of the box" configuration with Moode 4.0 Beta 12. This only seems to occur with 16 bit 44KHz FLAC recordings, everything else I have tried ( MP3's, 24 bit 96Khz FLAC, AAC-encoded radio streams) are all completely clean. The system behaves exactly the same whether I select 502DAC PRO or HifiBerry Digi Pro, makes no difference. The noise can easily be heard in quiet recordings and can be reproduced with everything by playing a 16 bit FLAC and turning the software volume down to 1 or 2. Fortunately, I have found that editing MPD settings and turning on SOX resampling to 24 bit / * KHz seems to fix the problem - the question is, why?
I know it sucks to reflash, but what does it sound like with a different distro like Volumio?
I've got a little problem with Moode and Pi2Design's new 502DAC PRO. I've been investigating all afternoon and hope someone more knowlegeable than myself can shed light on what is happening...

I'm hearing low level (digital?) noise using the headphone output of the 502DAC PRO in an "out of the box" configuration with Moode 4.0 Beta 12. This only seems to occur with 16 bit 44KHz FLAC recordings, everything else I have tried ( MP3's, 24 bit 96Khz FLAC, AAC-encoded radio streams) are all completely clean. The system behaves exactly the same whether I select 502DAC PRO or HifiBerry Digi Pro, makes no difference. The noise can easily be heard in quiet recordings and can be reproduced with everything by playing a 16 bit FLAC and turning the software volume down to 1 or 2. Fortunately, I have found that editing MPD settings and turning on SOX resampling to 24 bit / * KHz seems to fix the problem - the question is, why?

My "out of the box" configuration comprises 502DAC PRO (without volume control board), RPI3, standard Raspberry PSU powering both RPI3 and 502DAC PRO from the Pi power input, Moode 4.0 Beta 12 built with the latest Raspian Stretch lite.


If you are using MPD Software volume then I've found that 16 bit word length samples result in a very subtle but noticeable noise thats more or less constant in amplitude. If you listen carefully you can hear it at volume 1 or during super quiet passages in the song. A long while back I posted on the old MPD forum about this and a few other other users confirmed the issue but it never resulted in any confirmation or action from the MPD dev.

The fix is either resample using 24 bit * kHz setting or if your DAC supports Hardware volume then select this in MPD settings.

Last edited:

If you are using MPD Software volume then I've found that 16 bit word length samples result in a very subtle but noticeable noise thats more or less constant in amplitude. If you listen carefully you can hear it at volume 1 or during super quiet passages in the song. [snip]

The fix is either resample using 24 bit * kHz setting or if your DAC supports Hardware volume then select this in MPD settings.


Thanks Tim, that is exactly what I am seeing! I will investigate hardware volume control options or stick with resampling to 24 bit, which seems to work fine.

Just wanted to send out a quick shout-out to Tim for the current Beta 12 version. I do not consider myself a developer, but I found that by carefully following the image builder instructions, (sometimes I gotta read 'em several times to get it right) I built a perfectly working instance of moOde on my RPi 3.

Although I am just using a USB DAC, it produces beautiful music both from radio sources & my own collection of ~14,000 tracks. It did take me a bit of head-scratching to figure out how Auto-shuffle works.

I'm anxiously waiting for the production release, hope to see it soon!

~Steve K.
Just installed beta 12 on a RPi 3 successfully applying the modified script from Heeboo. No problems at all, the script ran flawlessly. Big thanks to Heeboo and Koda! :)


I have now installed Moode 4, Beta12 several times, using either Tim's mosbuild or Heeboo's script, on both RPi2 and RPi3 - and I have had no trouble producing a working version of Beta12. In particular, Heeboo's script makes it so easy.

Thanks Tim, Koda and HeeBoo!

Koda59 said:
I don't know if some of you know that point, but RPI is a true SDCard killer due to write operation on filesystems.

You can read this for example : Raspberry Pi: Extending the life of the SD card | ZDNet

So if you want trying to preserve SDCard, you must limit IO operations as much as possible.

So /var/log in tmpfs looks like a good starting point.

So currently testing log2ram for that and it looks to do the job.

I have also been able to implement this feature, thanks Koda

goldhorse said:
Just fooling around. Compiled an rt kernel and used the script to build moOde on top of it. This is what happens when I am spoiled by the wonderful build scripts by @koda59 and @HeBoo, I have extra time on my hands Excellent work guys!

Compiling an RT kernel is a bit beyond me, so after building Beta12, I followed the instructions here Raspberry Pi Going Realtime with RT Preempt | {ε}
I was able to successfully install kernel-4.4.9-rt17. I believe it improves the SQ slightly.

Tim, I'm eagerly awaiting the finished Mode 4. Keep up the amazing work - much appreciated.
