Moode Audio Player for Raspberry Pi

Hi all,
I've improved my patch of the Koda's script, i have add the (i lost the way to make an independent "version of moOde" script, but for me it's more simple to patch), now we can change:
- the password
- the host name (yes, for multiple installation it's more easy with a different name)
- the hdmi_drive entry

We can also update the raspbian to moOde Audio in one command line with 2 different pre-configuration:
1) -u for all components, new linux kernel and squashfs
2) -m for the minimum install without anything.

I've add the option -h for define the hdmi_drive.

Example of direct update with max install & hdmi_drive to 1:
sudo ./ -u -h 1

And finally i've add the duration of the installation into the log.

This script is modified by me without Tim's or Koda's agreement. It's not official and maybe some errors are in it.

This "patch" can be improved but i prefer restart in an other way, more independent from the moOde version, but i need some time (and i must build a CNC between that...) for make a "proof of concept" script for give you an idea.

So now... how to call the genius Moosimbu :

- Download Raspbian strech lite & Use you favorite image writer to write it on to the MicroSD card (Etcher ??)
- On the actual computer add a ssh file in the boot disk, configure the wifi if you use it
- Download the unzip-it and copy to the boot disk
- Eject the SDCard, put-it in the raspberry pi and start the raspberry pi
- Login it with your keyboard or ssh :
ssh pi@raspberrypi
- Move the file into the home of the Pi user :
sudo mv /boot/ ~/
- Launch it for direct max-update :
sudo ./ -u
- Wait, wait... wait and moOsimBu !!! (for the progress enter the command : ssh pi@moode "cat ~/mosbuild.log | grep 'COMPONENT\|STEP\| Compile \| END\| Error'")
- The Genius is gone... Open your web browser on any computer and go to http://moode or on mac http://moode.local and configure like you want and enjoy your new MoOde Audio Installation

* on mac you must add .local to the hostname (pi@raspberry.local and pi@moode.local)

@Tim: if you upload this script on your server (this is why the name of the file is different), we can update raspbian to moOde Audio with only one line and no other user action:
wget [url=]Error 404 - Not Found[/url] && chmod +x ./; sudo ./ -u

@Tim : in the "About Moode" for contributors send to "moode.local/COMTRIBS.html" who have a 404 error, CONTRIBS.html exist.

Go build my new CNC...
I'll be back for my real problems with MoOde Audio, we can do better !

Hi @HeeBoo,

Downloaded!. I'll have a look at it this week :)

Hi @HeeBoo,

Downloaded!. I'll have a look at it this week :)


All we need now is one install script to rule them all, integrating the two possible build modes:

1: Build Moode on this Pi which already has Stretch Lite installed, for use on this box only.

2: Build a Moode image for installation on other boxes (and optionally copy the .iso to USB device and / or burn it to SD card)


I am running Beta 12 and I am trying to use Squeezelite for the first time. The Playback page in moOde says Squeezelite in the time ring, but I don't see the player on the LMS.

When I use this command:
sudo systemctl status squeezelite-armv7l
I get the following response

● squeezelite-armv7l.service - Squeezelite-armv7l
   Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/squeezelite-armv7l.service; disabled; vendor preset: enabled)
   Active: inactive (dead)

I saw a note from Dec 4th saying there was a problem with Squeezelite, but I don't know if that has been fixed or not. I was hoping that someone with Squeezelite experience could let me know the current status.

Cheers, Bryce.

Hi Bryce,

Yes, fixed in Beta 12.

Here is basic troubleshooting for squeezelite. Note that it won't start if another audio application like MPD or Airplay is currently playing because it wants exclusive control of the audio output.

1. Verify the binary exists.

pi@rp3:~ $ which squeezelite-armv7l

2. Turn it on in Audio config., and verify it has successfully started.

pi@rp3:~ $ systemctl status squeezelite-armv7l
● squeezelite-armv7l.service - Squeezelite-armv7l
Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/squeezelite-armv7l.service; disabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: active (running) since Wed 2017-12-20 08:26:31 EST; 8s ago
Main PID: 16159 (squeezelite-arm)
CGroup: /system.slice/squeezelite-armv7l.service
└─16159 /usr/local/bin/squeezelite-armv7l -n RP3 -o hw:0,0 -a 80 4 1 -b 40000 100000 -p 45 -c flac,pcm,mp3,ogg,aac,alac,dsd -W -D 500 -R E

Dec 20 08:26:31 rp3 systemd[1]: Started Squeezelite-armv7l.

3. You can also just run the cmd string directly and look for errors.

/usr/local/bin/squeezelite-armv7l -n RP3 -o hw:0,0 -a 80 4 1 -b 40000 100000 -p 45 -c flac,pcm,mp3,ogg,aac,alac,dsd -W -D 500 -R E

Hi, I'm completely new to the "Moode Audio Player for Raspberry Pi" thing but seems really promising.

Please correct me if I'm wrong: according to "Features" this is a Player installed onto Raspberry Pi-s, utilizing their I2S connection (as well) so basically if I have a DAC supporting I2S input I actually can skip the whole USB stack and get completely rid of jitter whatsoever associated with USB transfer.

Instead, I get an incredibly good player, capable of feeding my DAC via I2S, right ?

(If yes, I'll only have to look for a HDMI header to output I2S from the Pi to my DAC via HDMI cable).
Hi, I'm completely new to the "Moode Audio Player for Raspberry Pi" thing but seems really promising.

Please correct me if I'm wrong: according to "Features" this is a Player installed onto Raspberry Pi-s, utilizing their I2S connection (as well) so basically if I have a DAC supporting I2S input I actually can skip the whole USB stack and get completely rid of jitter whatsoever associated with USB transfer.

Instead, I get an incredibly good player, capable of feeding my DAC via I2S, right ?

(If yes, I'll only have to look for a HDMI header to output I2S from the Pi to my DAC via HDMI cable).

Basically correct, except that most RPi DACs are 'HAT' DACs, which take their I2S connection by stacking directly above the Pi.
With other I2S DACs you will indeed have to make the I2S connections yourself but with jumper wires from the 40-pin connector, not the HDMI.
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Basically correct, except that most RPi DACs are 'HAT' DACs, which take their I2S connection by stacking directly above the Pi.
With other I2S DACs you will indeed have to make the I2S connections yourself but with jumper wires from the 40-pin connector, not the HDMI.

Great news, yeas you're right. Maybe I'll convert the jumper wires into HDMI for interconnection flexibility - the X-Sabre Pro has an HDMI input. This is however not a standard HDMI and pinout is described for convenient use so I think it should work by definition if everything's connected well.
For the I2S signals, I'd keep them as short as possible. At some point, I made some very short twisted pair wires to connect I2S to a DAC and it sounded pretty good.
But I2S at 44.1k out of a pi does not have the correct timing, a Pi doesn't have the right clock to put out exactly 44.1k. So you're better off getting a hat that has clocks for 48 and 44.1.

Yesterday I connected my pi up to my USB to SPDIF board (which feeds my dac). Once I figured out how to turn switch the settings for a USB dac, and turned of SW volume control (probably had it at 0 vol), I had music. Didn't have time to listen very much, but it was nice to get sound.

Now need to get a NAS setup for the music files.

44.1 and 48 are a little bit low for modern DACs, aren't they ? I even have some DSD256 and 32/192 stuff (and Mahler in 352.8kHz/32bit). Or do I miss something here ? :scratch:

Most of my music is ripped from CD, which is 44.1.

I have some hirez too, but majority of my stuff is 44.1. And any multiple of 44.1 will not be clocked accurately with a pi.
So your Mahler will have the same issue.

48k might be ok (and multiples of), I don't remember.
Short editorial comment below:
I don't intend this as a criticism, but wondering if installation could be made easier?

Based on hifiberry's help page, looks there used to be an image that could be downloaded, and then written to a sd card.

I figure there is post somewhere in this thread where it explains why the image was removed, and the new process which requires two sd cards and a usb adapter added, but I'm not going through this thread to find it.

I'm way far from a linux expert, know just enough to be dangerous, but have played with pi's and other linux appliances. I couldn't get moode installed by following the instructions on the moode page.

If Heeboo's new script can be run with just a PC and a Pi (I had to use a macbook for part of the older process), then maybe it should be the recommended way?
Either that or put an image up again.

As it is, I think the difficulty in installing Moode will limit how many people use it.
And this would be a shame.

Hi @randytsuch. The question about not having moOde as a downloadable binary comes up frequently, perhaps we need an FAQ about it. Here it is in a nutshell from Tim:

Because there are time consuming GPL compliance administrative tasks that are required for each distribution or "image" thats released. Way more time than I personally have.

But I should add that anyone can volunteer to do this :)


The GPL compliance issue was brought up by one of the copyright owners of software used in moOde. As the admin tasks are onerous and Tim wants to do the right thing by everyone who has contributed to the project, he has made moOde Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) with a build recipe.

All this has made moOde decidedly more DIY (as befits this forum) but admittedly difficult for some users. Currently the build process is being streamlined with great contributions from users such as Koda59 and HeeBoo but the kinks are still being ironed out. Hopefully the build mechanism will become easier and easier for the non-technical but patience is required at the moment.

Hi Randy,
Yes, this script can be installed on the SDCard with all System who read (& write) the FAT filesystem.

What the task you had to do with a macbook ?

In your previous procedure, where you had to remove a line from a text file. Did that on my mac. Also added the file for remote. For me that was the easiest way to do it, I'm not a linux person as I said.
In your previous procedure, where you had to remove a line from a text file. Did that on my mac. Also added the file for remote. For me that was the easiest way to do it, I'm not a linux person as I said.

If you have to do this again for other reason you can use notepad++ for edit any linux file:
Notepad++ Home

else for create a file or copy it into the boot drive you can do it with windows and notepad for the ssh empty file.

And for the SSH part you can use PuTTY
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So I wrote yesterday asking for assistance, as my efforts to create a Moode installation would result in an etc rc.local error. My suggestion to all attempting to do the same is to be patient, resolute, and unwavering. I followed the steps identically, multiple times, and was finally rewarded with a functional, successful Beta 12 installation. Thank you to all for your contributions to the software, and for the assistance in this forum.!!