Moode Audio Player for Raspberry Pi


ssh file missing, config.txt modified and "dtoverlay=dwc2" line erased, and wpa_supplicant.conf file also erased.

Why? I don't know, I'm newbie.... :)

Hi Jack,

The files "ssh" and "wpa_supplicant.conf" if present in the /boot directory are one-time-use files by Stretch Lite Linux when it boots. The "ssh" file turns on the ssh capability and then its deleted. The wpa_supplicant.conf file is moved to its normal directory, /etc/wpa_supplicant and then used during boot to configure a WiFi connection.

Hope this helps.

I am running multiple rpi's with Moode and would like to change the name of each.

Would running the following be ok to change the Moode name to Kitchen and would this have an affect on aything else?

sudo sed -i "s/moode/kitchen/" /etc/hostname
sudo sed -i "s/moode/kitchen/" /etc/hosts


Just changing the conf files will cause trouble. The conf file settings are mirrored in SQL table entries.

Change the names via the UI.

Hi Jack,

The files "ssh" and "wpa_supplicant.conf" if present in the /boot directory are one-time-use files by Stretch Lite Linux when it boots. The "ssh" file turns on the ssh capability and then its deleted. The wpa_supplicant.conf file is moved to its normal directory, /etc/wpa_supplicant and then used during boot to configure a WiFi connection.

Hope this helps.


Thanks Tim, so, if I need use again USB connection via putty, what changes are needed?
Hi everyone, I am one step away from my own personal sound setup heaven. What I want from my setup is the following:

- Tidal playback (DONE)
- Remote Control using Kazoo/Lumin (Done)
- Bitperfect or at least glitch-free output to my Focusrite 2i2 interface (FRUSTRATING)

I have been tinkering all day with the moode GUI config, MPD.conf and asound.conf - to no avail. I would be very grateful if anyone on here could point me towards the right direction. I am not sure whether the glitches are caused by the software or hardware, making it very difficult to troubleshoot for a beginner with a limited linux experience.
In reply to @perryni

Just changing the conf files will cause trouble. The conf file settings are mirrored in SQL table entries.

Change the names via the UI.



Keep in mind that if you use a different host name then there are other names you probably will want to change too, such as the browser title and the names of the various renderers. I get tired of changing these consistently via the UI, so I preset them all at once in the optional moodecfg.txt. Caveat: this must be done before booting moOde the first time. Tim's one-time initialization code takes care of writing these into the appropriate SQL table entries. If you've already booted at least once, then use the UI as suggested.

Hi Tim
Thanks for the reply. I have changed both Host Name and Browser Title in the UI but I can still access it by http //moode

What else do I need to change?


Hi Nick,

If you manually changed the conf files before using the UI then the UI changes won't work. What you need to do first is use the UI to change the names to match whats in the conf files. Once they are same then changes from the UI should work.

Hi everyone, I am one step away from my own personal sound setup heaven. What I want from my setup is the following:

- Tidal playback (DONE)
- Remote Control using Kazoo/Lumin (Done)
- Bitperfect or at least glitch-free output to my Focusrite 2i2 interface (FRUSTRATING)

I have been tinkering all day with the moode GUI config, MPD.conf and asound.conf - to no avail. I would be very grateful if anyone on here could point me towards the right direction. I am not sure whether the glitches are caused by the software or hardware, making it very difficult to troubleshoot for a beginner with a limited linux experience.


Provide more details for example how are u connecting to your audio device (USB, S/PDIF, ...), what version of moOde?

If you manually modify config files then troubleshooting will be impossible since there is no way to determine whether the modification are causing or contributing to the issue.

Hi Tim, thank you for the quick reply. I installed the most recent release of moOde. My interface is connected via USB. All the power for it is provided by the pi USB bus. In the GUI I enabled Max USB current.

Whenever I change the volume I get a lot of crackled noise - the same that I experience during playback, just more of it in a shorter timeframe.
Hi Nick,

If you manually changed the conf files before using the UI then the UI changes won't work. What you need to do first is use the UI to change the names to match whats in the conf files. Once they are same then changes from the UI should work.


Hi Tim
No I only did the conf changes as instructed in the recipe.

Once I started using the UI I changed the names for host name and browser title but as mentioned I can still connect via http // Moode

Cheers Nick
Hi Tim, thank you for the quick reply. I installed the most recent release of moOde. My interface is connected via USB. All the power for it is provided by the pi USB bus. In the GUI I enabled Max USB current.

Whenever I change the volume I get a lot of crackled noise - the same that I experience during playback, just more of it in a shorter timeframe.

Try the USB (UAC2) fix on System config.
Hi Nick,

If you manually changed the conf files before using the UI then the UI changes won't work. What you need to do first is use the UI to change the names to match whats in the conf files. Once they are same then changes from the UI should work.


The way I’ve done it is to first set up static IP addresses for the RPis, and then change the names via the UI. I’ve also “reserved” the fixed IP addresses (with the same names) in my Netgear router

Currently running four , two wired, two wireless. Seems to work OK.
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Hi Ronnie,

I think I'm going to delete the FLAC station from moOde because its url seems to change too often. Its a 6 mbps stream which I imagine costs JB radio some $ in bandwidth, especially if a lot of users attach to it.


Well of course Tim that's your call to make, one can always add it in as a new station I presume?

I have just substituted the previous URL with the new and it's playing fine.


Regarding the ssh file, see item 3. in SSH (Secure Shell) - Raspberry Pi Documentation

The same use-and-delete action happens to the wpa_supplicant.conf file if it is present during the initial boot of raspbian. Similarly, with the moodecfg.txt if it is present during the initial boot of moOde.

Regarding "Host not found", hostname resolution is provided by the DNS server running on your router. What did your router's DHCP client table say the hostname was for the IP address you used? Were you trying to ssh to that hostname? FWIW, I haven't seen the behavior you describe with any of my debian/raspbian installs, RPi or otherwise.


Hi Kent,

Thanks for the confirmation of the use-and-delete action.

The hostname in the DHCP Clients List table was raspberrypi. It is now moode.

Once I had SSHed in and followed the script to the point where you change the hostname and password nothing else would work. Trying a copy command, or a shutdown command would error saying hostname raspberrypi could not be found.

I then unplugged and replugged the RPi. Now I SSH in as always and I am proceeding through the script with no other issues.

Cheers, Bryce.
Tim, when using ‘make’, if you append the ‘-jn’ parameter make will use multiple cores.

So, on a Pi2/3:

5. Compile and install.

// Enjoy a Coffee and listen to some Tunes while the compile runs :-)

sudo make -j4

Should save considerable time.

I’ve been busy building a wifi-enabled cnc controller, but have been fiddling with an interactive bash installation script in my down time - in fits and starts. I only have a Pi3 until my boxes arrive, so it would be good if someone can test some commands for me to find the different responses for Pi1,2,3, Zero and W.

If I can crack how to resume after reboot (prolly just set a file flag is easiest) I think I’ll have it sorted.

I will try and finish it for the Pi3 today, then we can work on the other boards.
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