Moode Audio Player for Raspberry Pi

Hi, Tim!

You can add a Switch function Power on any GPIO port?

When the Raspberry Pi is first powered up, GPIO 4 is automatically configured as an input with passive pull-up. That is the behavior we want, so you don't need to do anything to guarantee it. Subsequently, the application program should do the following:
- It should configure GPIO 4 to call an interrupt service routine when it sees a falling edge or an input low.
- The interrupt service routine should initiate a shut-down of the any applications running and whatever I/O they use.
- Once the applications have been shut-down safely, your program should reconfigure GPIO 4 as an output and set it low.
- Setting the output low resets the MOSFET switches to their OFF state after several seconds, turning OFF your Raspberry Pi.

Source link Raspberry Pi ON/OFF Power Controller, Power up Your Raspberry Pi with Latching Push-button Controlled MOSFET Switch.
Using the Advanced Kernel with Kali+Piano 2.1 DAC and flac files in a USB hard drive I've noticed occasional skips, which seem more frequent when upsampling. There are no clicks, pops or gaps in the sound. It's as if a fraction of a second of music has been snipped out. The skip can't be reproduced by replaying the section where it happened so it's not an error in the file itself, and sometimes it's fairly subtle so I would need to replay the section to prove to myself that the skip really happened.
I've reverted to the Standard Kernel and so far I'm not hearing any skips. Similar issues have been reported by a couple of people on another forum, and I'm wondering if anyone else here has noticed it.
I realise btw that the Advanced Kernel is experimental so I'm not asking for help with it, just interested to know about the findings of others. The sound I'm getting with the Standard Kernel is excellent and I'm very happy with it.

Edit: Just played another 20 minutes of music with no skipping, Standard Kernel.
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I'm using the advanced Kernel for USB audio only with no board attached to the RPi3.

No skips or pops or any other problems.

If I am copying music to the Flash Drive, then I hear pops consistent with interrupt requests 'fighting' over control. May be this is a hint of what's going on under the hood?

Edit: the copying is made via WiFi
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Using the Advanced Kernel with Kali+Piano 2.1 DAC and flac files in a USB hard drive I've noticed occasional skips, which seem more frequent when upsampling. There are no clicks, pops or gaps in the sound. It's as if a fraction of a second of music has been snipped out. The skip can't be reproduced by replaying the section where it happened so it's not an error in the file itself, and sometimes it's fairly subtle so I would need to replay the section to prove to myself that the skip really happened.
I've reverted to the Standard Kernel and so far I'm not hearing any skips. Similar issues have been reported by a couple of people on another forum, and I'm wondering if anyone else here has noticed it.
I realise btw that the Advanced Kernel is experimental so I'm not asking for help with it, just interested to know about the findings of others. The sound I'm getting with the Standard Kernel is excellent and I'm very happy with it.

Edit: Just played another 20 minutes of music with no skipping, Standard Kernel.


Try dtoverlay=allo-piano-dac-pcm512x-audio in /boot/config.txt

I read in one of the distros that they were using one core for resampling, one for wifi, another for minor tasks. Can't remember which distro, can't remember what for. Maybe this is something that can be persuit in Moode?

Hi Rafa,

I know Mike (Archphile) was experimenting with CPU pinning/affinity and such. Its a tricky configuration that can cause instability and hangs.

Thanks Tim!
My only problem is that my total experience of ssh is of doing a couple of Moode updates in the past!
So do I simply ssh in and then enter /boot/config.txt followed by dtoverlay=allo-piano-dac/pcm512x-audio ?


1) ssh pi@moode (pwd=raspberry)
2) sudo nano /boot/config.txt
3) change existing dtoverlay line
4) ctrl-x y <return> to save the file
5) reboot


1) ssh pi@moode (pwd=raspberry)
2) sudo nano /boot/config.txt
3) change existing dtoverlay line
4) ctrl-x y <return> to save the file
5) reboot

Hi Tim
I've got the file displayed but I can't see how to delete/change the line. I can't move the cursor down. (I'm on a Mac btw)
Apologies for such ignorance!

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I was half expecting a sarcastic comment from you. If you read post 5862 you will see that I specifically stated that I wasn't asking for help or expecting it. Tim generously offered help and it would have seemed churlish not to accept it.
No I don't live there, and it's spelled Dean btw.

It was humour, not sarcasm. Guess you don't do humour. I don't do sarcasm.

I had written you a detailed 'how to' to get your ssh problem sorted, but Tim beat me to it, Esther than waste a perfectly good reply, I did what most people I know from the area would do and take the ****.

Looks like it was a wasted effort all round.

Maybe we can agree to completely disregard any future posts from one another? I won't bother with trying to help you, you can disregard anything you find of mine that fluffs your skirt.
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I was born in Wellington, NZ and have lived in the the Forest of Dean. Feels like I am a Moode forum bingo winner

You might be, I'm from Wellington and lived in Lydney, as well as 'Six-Finger Devizes' :) Ended up in Swindon, though - nothing funny about that...

The thing I liked about living in the UK was how easily they laughed at silly things like that. Must have changed in the last six years.