Millionth transistor ships

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Joined 2001
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Anyone have any idea how many a day/week.month ship today?



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i've seen the claim that more transistors are manufactured in California than rain drops fall on the state - it is pretty dry but this was also some time ago - lots and lots of transistors in those digital chips
So, I was way off. Say 10 million P4 equivalents shipped @ 100 million each, that's 10^15 transistors.
Memory, say 1 million gig-equivalents shipped @ 64.10^9 each is 64.10^15.
Throw in half of that again as "miscellaneous" and we get around 10^17 transistors shipped.
That's a bunch, but probably still conservative.

Jan Didden
The invention of the transistor is generally stated as 1947, the first point contact transistor. Diodes made with galena crystals had been in use for many years prior.

PBS did a show about the transistor.

Try this in your google:

first transistor
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