Microscopy Video, Stylus Playing A Record And Something About The M97xe

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I´m long time "reader" of the forum and this time I would like to participate.

I´ve been doing some testing with a microscope in order to help me set up my turntable and cheking the condition of the stylus in my cartridge while doing so I was able to record a video of the stylus riding the groove, I encounter some problems with black color vinyl and the sensitivity of my camera so I have to use a green vinyl disc that did a good job with the lighting, my camera was the weakest link, I hope you like it, the stylus shown is a JICO SAS on a shure m97xe cartridge and a technics 1200 TT:

Vinyl Record Being Played Under The Microscope. - YouTube

The next video shows the brush of the m97xe, I focus on a single "bristle" of the brush, I was surprise, as you can see is very slim, much more than the stylus, it can even go to the botton of the groove, this little brush actually can clean the groove, I could hear the reproduction with the brush down was in general more clean and the stylus itself was cleaner after playing now I can confirm, it dosen´t take ALL the dirt but it really help the cause this also could explain why some people say they can "hear" the brush:

Shure M97xe JICO SAS --Brush close up-- - YouTube
Puts everything in perspective size-wise doesn't it?

I´ve allways been fascinated with microscopy and for enyone interested I´m using a modded toy microscope:


I´m really impressed with this little thing! it can also be an excellent microscope for checking stylus wear.
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