microphone recommendations

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I'm trying to figure out the best microphone to use for my project. I'm installing a hands free system in my car so i can just plug the phone into the car and start talking. The only issue I'm having is trying to figure out what to look for in the microphone. I got one that was "noise canceling" and had a sensitivity of -46 ± 4 dB, but it only worked when the mic was about 1" from my mouth, any further and it didn't pick up my voice. I'm looking for a mic that would be able to pick up my voice at 1-2 feet.

Would the impedance or signal to noise ratio matter?
You might try not re-inventing the wheel. There are commercial hands-free phone systems for auto already. I wouldn;t be surprised if Best Buy had something on the shelf already.

And try googling "hands free car phone" It seems to bring up quite a few links with potential.
The issue is i dont want blue tooth and I'm a collage student working on a small budget. so far I've spent $6 with the mic that didn't work so well for me. Also I'm using a 3.5mm 4 conductor plug so its a little different becaues it works to plug my i-pod into also.
My only issue is finding a mic.
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