Michelson and Morley proved Einstein was wrong

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In theory it should be easy to get to the bottom of this. Bryan G. Wallace in his 'Farce of Physics' (chapter 4) notes:

At the December 1974 AAS Dynamical Astronomy Meeting, E. M. Standish Jr of JPL reported that significant unexplained systematic variations existed in all the interplanetary data, and that they are forced to use empirical correction factors that have no theoretical foundation.

So who's lying - Bryan Wallace or E. Myles Standish?

How many minor plants/moons/large asteroids have been discovered since 1974?
How many minor plants/moons/large asteroids have been discovered since 1974?

That happens to come from those "All science is wrong" hogwash websites that tends t misrepresent what was said. In that case, the misunderstanding comes from the fact that an inadequate amount of factors had been considered, and thus corrections needed to be included. If you look up his lifes work, you will find that all those "corrections" lead to the discovery of various gravitational effects that were not yet well understood. Everything from tidal effects to the gravity of black matter, etc. It didn't disprove SRT, it was just incomplete at the time. What he said was right, based on the then theoretical understanding, there was no way to explain the effects. Not having enough variables in a model doesn't disprove an entire mathematical or theoretical framework.

I may have been hit by some Muons, I have been losing weight lately.

I think the valid point here was my original point, Science doesn't disprove things from null results. Its an elementary mistake, no Phd physicist would ever do that, and those of us that know better ignore the ramblings of people who try do that.
I don't think they ever disproved the ether theory per sé, only what happened was that the experiment designed to prove the existence of an ether wind, came up with nothing.
Which would suggest that either Earth is at rest relative to the ether, which was previously thought to be dis-proven, and it also violates the Copernican Paradigm, or that something else was happening.

The Lorentz theory was a way to try and explain the result, but had no basis whatsoever.

Now you tell me what is the most likely answer? That the ether exists but due to some strange effect the MMX had a null result? An experiment that had 20x the needed resolution? (The difference in speed between earth moving one way and moving the other is 40 miles per second, and the experiment was sensitive enough to detect discrepancies of two M/s)
I am glad Einstein was wrong, otherwise various countries on earth would have thousands of horrific weapons called "nuclear bombs"

There may be more than one model of reality that allows to produce the same KaBoom!

Mine took me off a bridge.

It depends on a brand of GPS, according to my observations. Garmin never suggested me to go off Bay Bridge even when traffic stops completely, while Magellan always does that. Why? The answer is simple: Magellan was a sailor. Do you know who was Garmin? I don't know, but I suspect he did not ride his horse through oceans.

I don't think they ever disproved the ether theory per sé, only what happened was that the experiment designed to prove the existence of an ether wind, came up with nothing.

What an experiment with observation of particles that go through the slot demonstrates? Right, that particles change their behaviour as soon as the way to observe it exists. Why other experiments that show "nothing" can be different?
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What an experiment with observation of particles that go through the slot demonstrates? Right, that particles change their behaviour as soon as the way to observe it exists. Why other experiments that show "nothing" can be different?
What do you mean by this exactly?

In this case viewing the interference pattern collapses the wave-particle duality and light acts as a wave. Any shift in that interference pattern would suggest ether wind slowing down the light. This effect was not observed, that's what I mean by coming up with "nothing" (null result).
What do you mean by this exactly?

In this case viewing the interference pattern collapses the wave-particle duality and light acts as a wave. Any shift in that interference pattern would suggest ether wind slowing down the light. This effect was not observed, that's what I mean by coming up with "nothing" (null result).

I mean, if the fact of potential observation has to be considered as the variable factor in the experiment coming up with "nothing" means undetermined result. Period.

Edit: At least, "In presence of potential observation, ..." has to be added to the conclusion.
I mean, if the fact of potential observation has to be considered as the variable factor in the experiment coming up with "nothing" means undetermined result. Period.

Edit: At least, "In presence of potential observation, ..." has to be added to the conclusion.
Okay, so you mean that if there is a possibility that the experiment can be observed in two different ways given a different means of detecting (wave interferometer or particle detector) then the experiment is not valid because it could have different results if you observe the light as particles instead of as a wave?
Okay, so you mean that if there is a possibility that the experiment can be observed in two different ways given a different means of detecting (wave interferometer or particle detector) then the experiment is not valid because it could have different results if you observe the light as particles instead of as a wave?

No. I mean, the conclusion has to be rephrased: instead of "There is no ether impact", it should be, "In case of possibility of observation ether impact did not show".
I stumbled into a copy of "The Einstein Myth And The Ives Papers" at the local library years ago. What an eye opener! I highly recommend it. The best book on non-Einsteinien physics is "Einstein Plus Two" by Petr Beckmann(out of print but worth a look).

Some other points:
1. There is no mass increase with velocity.
2. There is no length contraction with increasing velocity.
3. Ther is no 'time dilation'.
4. We're no closer to a physical understanding of matter than we were 100 years ago
Modern physics has become largely irrelevant today.
Electrical engineering is still in the stone age, and will stay there until Maxwell's original equations are restored. </rant>

I have copies of The Einstein Myth And The Ives Papers, Petr Beckman's book Einstein Plus 2, Relativity is Dead, Challanging Modern Physics by Al Kelly and a couple of other books.
Some more literature: Relativity skeptics and aether proponents

I believe in mass, length (ie. Lorentz contraction) and time (ie. time dilation) transformations, but also believe there must be a prefered electromagnetic frame of reference, ie. the aether, because of the twin paradox arguments. I also believe light bends in a gravitation field, the speed of light is slower and atomic clocks run slower at lower gravitational potentials, but believe its due to the properties of the aether varying with gravitational potential (Eric Baird calls it an aether density gradient) instead of curved space (general relativity).

Also, look up stellar (Bradley) aberration. Einstein fanatics believe it happens as a result of relative motion between a star and the earth, but when experiments are done with binary stars it appears to show that the earth is moving through a transmitting medium of light, because the tilt of the telescope depends completely on the motion of the earth (ie. the motion of the earth relative to the transmitting medium of light).
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Here's something that's too shocking for a lot of scientists to believe. I found it here:
Surprise! Dr. John Bell Liked the Ether!
but apparently a corrupt moderator edited the original post in order to hide criticism of Einstein's relativity theories.

John Bell the well known quantum mechanics guru said something that many would consider crackpot if it came from someone else, but yet he's considered an important contributor to quantum mechanics.

During a radio interview on BBC Radio 3 in the mid 1980s', John Bell, the
theoretical physicist made famous for his now famous 'Bells Theorem', made
some rather eye opening statements when discussing his theorem and Alain
Aspect's experimental results. To say Bell liked a deterministic universe
seems to put it mildly - he called it super deterministic. Bell's inequality
seems to be rooted in two assumptions, namely that there is an objective
reality, and the concept of locality. Aspects' experiments seem to mean one
of these has to go, but Bell, surprisingly favored going to the pre-einstein
views of Larmor, Poincare, Fitzgerald, and Lorentz - that LR is not
inconsistent with relativity theory. The idea that there is an aether, and
Fitzgerald contractions and Larmor dilations are not detected because the
experimental devices are affected by them in exactly the right amount to
null the result of the detection is a "perfectly coherent point of view."

Einstein Relativity was adopted more because of the philosophy - that what
is unobserved does not exist - and because Einstein had found a theory that
was simpler when the Aether was left out. This speaks volumes - it suggests
that because the Aether became non-PC for the times, the philosopher
scientists of the day seized upon the first theory that worked without
Aether in it - if Joe Blow the trashman had been there first with a theory
he had come upon between trash runs, we would be today referring to
Joeblowian Relativity. Einstein was just in the right place in the right
time. Bell comes very close to saying the results of Alain Aspect's
experimental results *demand* an Aether theory.

It is too bad Bell died before he could read my web site. His question would
have been answered. I'll have more to say on this later when I discuss the
resolution to the paradox of Unitarianism in QM, and how it is a non-issue.


Learn how to build a FTL radio.

Surprise! Dr. John Bell Liked the Ether!
Look what Paul Dirac, another quantum mechanics guru and noble prize winner said about the aether in this article.


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There s no such thing as pre-einsteinian theories..
All foundings equations related to relativity where first
discovered by Lorentz and then layed down mathematicaly
by Poincaré...
Einstein was more than weak in mathematics compared to poincaré
and in fact, he was mainly good in vulgarizing Lorentz and Poincaré
works though he did aknowledged those sources only very late
in his life..

Quote from wikipedia article :

" Poincaré concluded that the electromagnetic field energy of an electromagnetic wave behaves like a fictitious fluid ("fluide fictif") with a mass density of E/c2."

That is : M = E/c2.

Einstein was branded genius by re writing it E = Mc2....

Henri Poincaré - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Einstein was branded genius by re writing it E = Mc2....

No. Einstein's relation had a very different and much broader physical meaning. It's incorrect to the point of silly to claim that all he did was rearrange terms.

But then, crank science is by definition silly. Shall we revive the Lenard tome, "Hundert Autoren gegen Einstein?" After all, he was a Nobel Laureate while Einstein was still doing the 9-5 in the Berne patent office.
I believe in mass, length (ie. Lorentz contraction) and time (ie. time dilation) transformations, but also believe there must be a prefered electromagnetic frame of reference, ie. the aether, because of the twin paradox arguments. I also believe light bends in a gravitation field, the speed of light is slower and atomic clocks run slower at lower gravitational potentials, but believe its due to the properties of the aether varying with gravitational potential (Eric Baird calls it an aether density gradient) instead of curved space (general relativity).

I don't see any contradiction here. Without describing the cause the effect can be described mathematically using curved space.

Did Sir Isaac Newton need to describe the cause of gravitation in order to describe it's effect, similarly?

Nothing wrong. Just different levels of abstractions, all of them leading to quite precise practical instrumentation.

It might help to get some actual physics books. They're probably not as entertaining as the crank stuff, but they have the virtue of being correct.

You certainly forgot to start this sentence from, "According to my belief..." ;)
You mean, "...according to prediction and experimental verification." See, the stubborn thing about physics is that it works. Whether or not you or any of the cranks believe it is irrelevant- E still equals mc2, the speed of light is still the same for all observers in the same inertial frame, energy is conserved, and the product of conjugate variables is still greater than h/2pi.
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