Meridian amp schematics ?

Any luck finding schematics? I own a pair of 105's. Sound great. Problem is my pair is mismatched, each from a different iteration/generation. Power supplies pretty much identical, but one of the boards has a heatsink along botton and uses RCA transistors while the other relies solely on the case for heasinking and has motorola? transistors. Seems one amp is higher gain than the other... I see 2 potentiometers on the board. Curious is I could learn to bias them to same level. Or, somehow level match them. Shame because I love them, but the imbalance is noticeable and bothersome.
I took the cover off to refresh my memory... wish I had the patience to reverse engineer it into a schematic. half dozen small transistors with some having a star heatsink. A definitely hand made appearance to the pcbs - some jumper lines on topside with components and curvy lined etched traces below. Wonder what a 103 looks like inside... a quick check on voltage rails shows it's +/-52
Meridian Schematics

Hi CS,

Did you get the schematics you were looking for? I emailed Boothroyd Stewart and they sent me a photocopy of the schematics for my amps. To tell you the truth I can't remember the model number but they are the two piece 100watt mono amps (brown colour). I'm at work right now, but when I get home I'l see if I can find the schematic and fax it or email it if I can get it scanned.

Meridian 105

I have a pair of 105s and I believe, I am having trouble with the bias as well. One of them heats up and after a soft pop, cuts out until it cools down again and kicks back in.
I have a schematic but not the knowledge to use it. I have just sent them in to a shop here in Vancouver to see if they can set them up. Mine have the heat sinks on the bottom (of both) as well. They have a number on paper tag on the bottom 1689 A and B. I have had them for about 15 years I would guess.
An old thread revivial here...

Does anyone know of a modification for the 105s? An ebay listing that ended today talks of the amps having had an E-mod (to make them revision E) in the late 80s (after being out of production).

The listing says this:

The E mod is quite rare and was only carried out after production of the 105 family had ceased, so you wont find many with it

Dave Hall showed me the mod when I collected the Amps, In the photos it is the addition of the 2 light blue Rubicon and small silver capacitor, I think the cap soldered directly to the board may also have been replaced, but can't be sure. Boothroyd Stuart, did the alteration in 1988, it makes the treble sweeter and more focused.

Heres a photo of the board:


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