Matching MOSFET for Zen V4/Aleph 5 ???

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I’ am looking to build my own power amp, in this case I’ am looking for the Zen V4 and the Aleph 5!

For the moment I'am very interested about the Aleph 5 but the Zen V4 is easier to build and he's cheaper!
I think that the aleph 5 is better than the Zen v4 and he offers balanced and unbalanced inputs!

I have some questions about the amp part:
- Do all Aleph5 MOFSET (IRF9610 and IRF244) need to be matched?
If yes where can I buy some matched pair, because I can't by 50 pieces to do this work!

- Does the Zen V4 need matched MOFSET too?

Best regards

Check trading post

I'm planning to do the same as you do. I'll try to make Zen V4 first and after that I'll try Aleph 5. I think Zen V4 is easier and Nelson has a specific article for it, so I have more confidence that I'll succeed. Beside, the heatsink i have now might not be sufficient for Aleph 5.

I'm sourcing parts for Aleph 5 though, the matched mosfets were obtained from Dale (check trading post, his user name is "harvardian"). He is selling matched mosfets (if he still has them) and Aleph board.

Hope this help!😎

Thanks for all!!

Ok I know that is the 1000th post on matching mosfets and I have read a lot of post about it but I want to be sure !!!!😎

wchick>I sow the post from harvardian about matched mosfets but I remenber that it was an old post!!!!
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