Marantz CD63 & CD67 mods list

Non Over-Sampling. Someone who knows more could explain it better so I'll not try!

The reason some do it is to avoid using the noisy digital filter chip, usually SAA7220. It's usually considered to be an upgrade in musicality but has an audibly limited frequency response and other issues.

If the SAA7220 chip is separately clocked and regged then its sound (or the sound of the whole) can be exceptional, thus presumably leaving the NOS sound in the dirt. I've not tried NOS myself but I can well believe what the others are saying.
The thing that I've always found with NOS is that you get a fast bang for your buck when you remove the 7220 chip entirely. Never tried doing all the work to it as an alternative though.

The chip seems to be so power hungry and dirty that just taking it out gives a quick sound improvement over the standard imo.

Even players where the drawer won't open properly and the lasers don't read very well suddenly start to work smoothly.

Yes, we could start another thread on it: to NOS or not to NOS :D.

But it would be one of the many that are already there i'm afraid. My credo with these things is: try it yourself! If you don't like it: try something else :yes:.

Theoretically oversampling is not a bad thing, but it has to be implemented correctly. I'm not going to take the easy route by just leaving the chip out. First, i'm going to see how it sounds, and then make some improvements along the way. So that's what i'm going to do :D.

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I've seen them and been intrigued, but a bit put off by the price. They'd want to be used in super-critical places (and they look fragile). The comments of the guy at Hi-Fi Collective are most positive, he seems to rank them up there with the best but perhaps understanding that it's a metal resistor and will sound slightly different to a carbon-based one ie. more neutral vs more natural.
Yes, and the most hardcore also believe amps are the same or close enough to not be an issue. Even some big names around here are in this fairly extreme camp. I had my faith reaffirmed only recently when I modified a PA amp (much better) and then swapped it for a chip amp (totally different sound again). The next step was to biamp with these two and boy was that a step up!!??
I don't believe anyone in this thread, assuming they've lasted this long, would take offence at the idea that resistors sound differently. I used to be a big fan of Shinkoh and would have used them in the pot on my amp but the person who built it wasn't keen to order or couldn't at the time get a small batch. The S-foils are "supposed" to be the ultimate. True there were only a few used in my amp this time. I'll let Brent decide where and if to use them.