
I have always been fascinated by magic tricks, some I can explain but some are a complete mystery.

From the 70’s onward, I played keyboards in the north of England working men's clubs, providing musical backing to all manner of variety acts.

On this particular evening I was at a club in Castleford, and the artist was Johnny Burnette, A one legged, close up magician I had worked with on many occasions.

I arrived at the club to find Johnny showing a magic trick involving a pound coin, to Alan, the drummer. I was at the opposite end of the dressing room (about 20 feet long), getting changed. After about five minutes of magic, Johnny announced it was probably time to get ready for the show.

Where is my pound coin, asked Alan. Oh, I seem to have lost it, said Johnny. He looked at me and enquired what time it was? I slid back my dress shirt sleeve to look at my watch, TO FIND A POUND COIN SLIPPED UNDER MY WATCH.

HOW? He was never within 20 feet of me. A one legged guy cannot spring across the room. Not hypnotism, I have worked with many hypnotists, and it has no effect on me.

To this day, I am still mystified.