• WARNING: Tube/Valve amplifiers use potentially LETHAL HIGH VOLTAGES.
    Building, troubleshooting and testing of these amplifiers should only be
    performed by someone who is thoroughly familiar with
    the safety precautions around high voltages.

Luxman SQ-38FD Upgrade

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Hi All,

I have a Luxman SQ-38FD Integrated valve amp.
The output tubes are 50CA10 and practically imposable
to get hold of (and way above my budget)!

I believe that this amp can be upgraded to use EL34s
and Luxman still make a version of this amp using
EL34s, called the SQ-38 Signature.

Does any body know of such mods, or have the schematic
for the SQ-38 Signature. I do have the full schematic for
the SQ-38FD.


I am in Melbourne. Drop-in at my factory and let us see what we can do together. I am usually there after 1100hrs. Bring the schematic along. I am not free on the 20th of this month. You may call me on 0500 566 616 any time or at the factory numbers (03) 9720 8730, (03) 9720 8729.

Factory2, 22 Michellan Court,
Bayswater, VIC 3153. MELWAY 64/A4

Hi Mohan,

Thank you for your kind offer!

The amp actually belongs to a friend of the faimly.
His plans have changed and it looks like the amp will be
going into storage for a while and he will look to do any
upgrade then.

It also needs some other work, all the Caps (electrolytic)
are going/gone and some corrosion (it was not stored very
well for some time). So it is probably best to do it all when
it comes out of storage for good!

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