LUXMAN M-02 drivertransistors

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Hallo ! My name is Stewen and I live in Sweden . Am a "tubeamptech" , but
my neigbour came over some time ago with this Luxman , 20 years old or more .
The amp had one pair outputtransistors ( 2SA1302/ 2SC3281 ) destroyed in the
left channel . I have bought new pairs for that channel made by "onsemi" .
All other transistors in that channel seems OK when tested , but I´ve been adviced to also put a new driverpair on the card . The pair is : 2SA1306/2SC3298 . I have found cheap pairs "called toshiba" from ebay China
but hesitate to order . Sanyo makes or made 2SA1606/ 2SC4159 which might fit . I can´t get an answer from Digikey or Mouser if they have those transistors . Can You guys please give me some advice where to buy a pair or two of these drivers ..... real Toshiba , Sanyo or similar quality ?????
I´d be very happy for some answer . Stewen
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