Love when the fault reveals itself

When you power something on and viola, fault found (well, one of them anyway)

Watch the video first...

Anyone else got some great examples? IMG_20200222_132648_100.jpg IMG_20200222_121415.jpg
So... As you might expect, both drivers were gone along with the thermal compensation transistor. Also 2 biasing resistors. With all that replaced, it lives again. I did replace the PNP driver as well, just so they "match", but it was okay.

I used TIP41C/42C for the outputs, a 2n3904 for the thermal comp. (with crossed B and C legs) and a pair of recovered TO127 transistors, which seemed closest to the specs required, for the drivers.

The amp is a Pioneer SA-420, if anyone's interested. Pretty basic, with loose biasing requirements of 2-100mV across the output emitter resistors according to the manual, and no adjustment pots. Both channels sit at about 25-30mV, I had to change R54 to 680 from 560 to achieve this. Then I gave the PCB and heatsink a good clean. IMG_20200223_090516.jpg IMG_20200223_171236_994.jpg