looking for Polyster Caps in pico farads

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Polyester caps generally go down to about .0001µf (100pf). From there and up, you should have no problem finding them (up to a maximum of about 10µf, unless you want to look at large speaker crossover-type poly caps which can be had up to values of about 200µf).
Thanks echo wars

Thanks very much echowars.

I was in confusion about the convertions pf to uf and the range of availablility especially range of availablity.

I found a an url where all convertions are avialable. http://www.unitconversion.org/unit_converter/electrostatic-capacitance.html

In india, I don't think we can get 200 uf poly caps ,any way I am looking for pf's upto 1000pf.

Can u clarify another point ?, when i asked for 0.1uf poly cap the store keeper gave me a polyster cap rating as 104k,104j what is this convertion ? any idea ?.
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