Looking for a UPD547LC tuner control processor made by NEC around 1980

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I'm looking for a UPD547LC and possibly a UPD2815C.

I'm attempting to restore a classic tuner that needs a UPD547LC and possibly a UPD2815C. I've had no luck with the legacy parts dealers and I'm hoping someone might have one or both sitting in their ancient stock pile. Also any data sheets or maybe even a suggestion of a product that used them to help me track them down would be appreciated.

The UPD547LC handles a very basic 3X4 button matrix to control tuning and 6 station memory. It is also the display driver for the fluorescent display, which is also very basic displaying only the station frequency. The UPD2815C handles the interface to the front end varactors and other tuner housekeeping. I don't think it's the problem as the display is actually locked up, displaying all segments and no button control. The tuner was a prototype circa 1980.

I would like to get the thing alive again and I'm not looking to nickel and dime to find the parts.

Any help here would be greatly appreciated.

As a former Apps. Engr for NEC, you are out of luck. There should be some dash numbers after the main PN. This is the code that is put into it by NEC. Nobody makes those parts anymore, not even NEC. Too old and it's a custom. Sold only to owner of the code. Try and find another unit (Ebay??) to salvage for parts.
As a former Apps. Engr for NEC, you are out of luck. There should be some dash numbers after the main PN. This is the code that is put into it by NEC. Nobody makes those parts anymore, not even NEC. Too old and it's a custom. Sold only to owner of the code. Try and find another unit (Ebay??) to salvage for parts.

That's not what I wanted to hear 🙁 But I guess it makes sense. So, NEC would give the chip the functionality the customer was looking for and the code was an indicator of how it was programmed and they were the only one with access to the chips from NEC?

Thanks for your input as it puts an end to a very frustrating search.

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