Lookie, lookie. ONO? Oh Yes!

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Manu said:

Steen, i ' ll take you at your word


This thread was bound for food talk:D
Just another breadcrump; this is the best way to smoke a slap of trout or salmon.
A pic says more than many words, so have a look. And please do remember that I am the expert on fish....;)



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Manu said:
Steen: Do you possibly need a french beta-taster for these succulences ...?

Magura : Actually if I am not fat yet, but I am what we call in France a "false thin man" ..

Yep, you are welcome to drop by at any time:) Here is a pic of a served dish around here: Slightly smoked pidgeon breast, with ovenbaked potato! I simply like good food, and really hate the McD kind of ####.....



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steenoe said:

Yep, you are welcome to drop by at any time:) Here is a pic of a served dish around here: Slightly smoked pidgeon breast, with ovenbaked potato! I simply like good food, and really hate the McD kind of ####.....


HEY it looks delicious ...
After such dish a good Armagnac would be fine ... Mr. Magu knows what I mean...
Have to look around for something suitable next time I a go to France ...

Slightly smoked pidgeon breast,
Seems that you smoke almost everything in DK ...
fredlock said:
How's that sashimi and sushi? That looks good! :hot: You should pair it with a hot Sake'.

It becomes a Fish-Thread ....

Yes sushi and Maki it is ... It was succulent indeed... as a said, specialy the inside-out maki rolled in red caviar (or so) ...

What you don't see on the pic - because I eat it first (greed) my fave : unagi ...




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Now something completely OT

Well, waiting for a DL 103 I have already ordered (thanks ZM and Steen for teasing me :smash: ) ...
I have to say the High output MC cartridge I am still using now seems to be neither fish nor flesh in this matter (output V) Relatively low for MM input, probably to high for MC inputs (I didn't tried, though) ...

A Q for other ONO users :
Did anybody tried to play around with different current value through R28 (Source res of output fet ). Schem value (stock?) is 10.6 mA (0.35V over R28).
I uped to 12.5 mA and my first impression is that sound changes a little bit ...
Beside other effects, I would say bass became slightly "fatty" ... not the right expression but in this direction ...
but overall I would say that I prefer it this way ...

Did anybody experience something similar?

waiting for marino's answer and answer of my previous post, here a little interlude...
And ... at the same time answer of several pm concerning what is "Potée auvergnate". See UGS thread ...
First of all, Potée is good for you...

Is it something like Irish stew? well ... 1rst suffice to say you have to like to eat pork (il porco) instead of sheep (but that is beside the point - and who cares)
and 2nd, it's completely different.

You'll find a lot of receipt on the net ... the simpliest is the best.

The only challenge is to keep the cabbage firm, stiff and shining when cooked...
Just like on this picture.

I like autumn ... the season wich re- allows full biasied aleph after a long summer of wimpy biased class AB

Cheers, of course



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