[Logitech] Plans for Z906 Subwoofer box replacement.

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Quite a while ago I built a replacement subwoofer box for my Logitech Z906 system. It's a Transmission Line enclosure.

It's not one of the best tuned TL's that you can make, but fortunately, I received help from a kind man called Eric. He's BluePigProductions over on Youtube. Check him out, he does all kinds of cool things with TL's. And I couldn't have done this without him (Even though mine looks slightly better >:) .)

Now, moving forward. If you're reading this thread, I assume you're either interested in how it's build, and perhaps how to make one. Great to mention: Turn the bass knob on your Z906's pod WAY THE (Something) DOWN! It clips at the input of the amplifier, and that is no good for your amp, and ears.

I'll provide a cutsheet later on, layed out for a 122x244cm panel of 18mm thick MDF. These are metric values. However, I do have Layout drawings on hand. They're the first three attachments.

The fourth and fifth image will be images of my nearly finished box.

This thread is still unfinished


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