lm3886 mute LED

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My lm3886 amp is pretty much the data sheet typical application and I need to have an LED light when the amp is NOT muted (refering to the mute switch). Is there a simple way to wire up an LED so that when the switch is closed, the LED turns on and goes off when the switch is opened? I would like to do this with a SPST switch. Any ideas appreciated.

Just put the LED in series with the mute resistor, and adjust the resistor value to give about 5 mA or so. The LED will drop about 2 volts.
From the datasheet:
"RM is calculated using: RM <= (|VEE| − 2.6V)/I8 where I8 >= 0.5 mA."

Set I8 to 5 mA, and use Vee-4.6V instead of 2.6. If Vee is 30V, Rm would be about 5K.
p.s. Cathode of the LED goes to Vee.
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