Linux n0ob

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Hi, I'm a Linux n0ob and I need your help.

I'm thinking of a PC source -> DAC-> Monobloc -> Speaker set-up.
I know what I can do with Windows, the question becomes whether Linux is a viable option or not?

PC source: Possibly USB interface, netbook or something small.
I would like to run a digital eq on the computer, make perfect rips to FLAC, read the entire album (or at least the entire song) into the memory before playback, send the digital signal straight to the dac without it having been compromised.

Is Linux the way to go?
Yes it can be done.

I made such a thing using a 'thin client' box. The OS is on a Compact Flash card. The audio DAC is connected using USB. I can connect a USB hard drive which contains my music. The box runs "mpd" so I can control it from anywhere on my LAN (iphone, ...)

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