Linux Audio the way to go!?

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All applications deemed nessessary to provide a working PC studio environment. This is the package most users of other derivatives will be interested in, so they don't get forced into a different desktop environment with a new theme and such.

If I understood correctly, Ubuntu studio provides the cool audio/video/3d packages together with an optimized system configuration for multimedia. Adding the real-time kernel is a part of that optimization.
Correct me if I am wrong, but I think you should be able to install the RealTime kernel-image package (linux-image-rt) to add real-time kernel functionality to a normal Hardy, without adding the additional ubuntustudio applications.
Hi Jkeny,

You can install the real time kernel on normal ubuntu/xubuntu/kubuntu etc. They are all currently hardy, so is the latest Ubuntu Studio, just with the real-time kernel, a pre-selected set of audio/graphics/video applications and different artwork theme already installed. The ZEN kernel suggested by soundcheck can also be installed on any of the *ubuntus (afaik).

The emu 0404 usb is close to being supported through alsa, in fact I have one and its works - not yet optimally, but should be soon enough (or so I hope). The way its usb is implemented should theoretically have lower jitter than the pcm2707 because it acts as the master - the clocks confirmed as low jitter crysteks. It has toslink/coaxial spdif out/in and can be slaved to an external clock through spdif. Not diy, but to me, great value.

Thanks SunRa, my model is different & not so easy to get at I2S lines!

ZMN, is there a link to this? Can I just install the real-time kernal & audio aps to Hardy without the video, etc or would it be easier to install ubuntu-studio & remove video apss,etc? Edit: Sorry just read your link & my Q is answered - but is there a distro which just deals with standard audio playback without MIDI, sequencing, DJ stuff,etc

rossco, I will lookat EMU 0404 but my final solution will be PeuFeu's audio over ethernet

Edit: my final question - where do I download ubuntu-studio audio?

if you do not want the video apps, just do not install them.

Look at dependencies of the ubuntustudio-audio package

It lists all the packages required (i.e. installed) by this meta-package. Just install the packages you want over regular ubuntu. If you want the real-time kernel, add the linux-rt package too (it is one of the dependencies of ubuntustudio-audio). You will have both the kernels installed and can boot from either of them.

Ubuntu, Ubuntu Studio, Edubuntu, Kubuntu, Xubuntu differ just in some packages and you can freely convert from one to another by installing/removing appropriate packages from their common repository.

Phofman explained the background more clearly than I can.

But if you are looking for a way to install the meta-package "ubuntustudio-audio" or just only a selection of the packages you could use a menu driven package manager, like:

System -> Administration -> Synaptic Package Manager.

Then, within this package manager, do a search on "ubuntustudio" to see all related meta-packages for Ubuntu studio. Or search "linux-image-rt" for just the real time kernel image. If you mark them (checkbox), the dependencies will be selected as well. You can then choose to install these selected packages. :)
Oops, problem not solved - in Roxio there's an option to make a bootable disk - it defaults to display .img files - I change it to all files, select the ubuntustudio.iso downloaded & write disk - result is another drinks coaster - error msg when booting "missing operating system"
Hi there.

Two points I'd like to make:

Installing the packages might not be as good as installing
UStudio from scratch. The Gnome setup for UStudio is very
slim and causing less "WakeUps". You'll see that e.g. most of the gadgets are taken out of the desktop environment.
Though if you install the full package from the repositories and you select it as a seperate Xsession before logging in , there shouldn't be a difference compared to a maiden UStudio DVD installation.

The way I do it:
First I install UStudio and than everything else I need (Openoffice etc.) I keep loging all applications I am installing on top of the
standard Ubuntu environment and save it in a file (script).

The first I do is running this script doing an apt-get install ..........
for numerous additional packages.

People who would like to try the RAM playpack, can do it very
easy by just copying a file to /dev/shm (shared memory)

With your player of choice you just go to that directory and pick your file for playpack.

jkeny said:
Oops, problem not solved - in Roxio there's an option to make a bootable disk - it defaults to display .img files - I change it to all files, select the ubuntustudio.iso downloaded & write disk - result is another drinks coaster - error msg when booting "missing operating system"

There must be loads of freeware out there that is capable of writing
DVD .iso files.

Under Linux you just right-click on the file and select burn to disc! ;)
Got it this time - downloaded finalburner CD/DVD writing software - has option create ISO disk - it boots!

Have loaded Ubuntustudio on desktop - need to have a look at it tonight - it selected the partition size & created it when I chose "guided partition creation" - nice & easy.

Tonight, Need to load Amarok to listen to some music - & will try it with audio files on external disk connected by USB - then compare with playing same file from RAM.

Expecting great sounds based on my initial listen with the laptop trial Ubuntu which wasn't a full install but an easy install version - can't remember the name of it but it doesn't partition the disk just creates a large folder in the NTFS windows disk & gives dual boot options.

Even so it sounded much better than I experienced from my laptop before!

Soundcheck, in terms of maximising sound could you rate in some sort of sonic order the OS tweaks!

Have you tried powering the disk from an external source? I have a SMPS 12V & 5V unit for powering external disks - I wonder could I use this to power the internal disk thereby taking some of the disk access PS spikes off the main PS?
Congratulations, that you managed.

My setup:

My disc is not running. My GPU is off. My screen is off. ....
I got 16 wakeups per second. ( As mentioned earlier Ustudio runs with approx. 460/s)

And to get real great results all my OS tweak are needed.
Otherwise lots of information are lost in space.
(Of course the gain of quality is depending on your digital chain - some show more some less improvements)

Beside more details, more air, .... the typical jitter reduction effects - The better it gets the lower the low end gets.

Start the easy way by copying one file to /dev/shm within a terminal and then play it with Amarok. Make sure you use the raw-device as output. Something like hw0 or hw1.

Would be interesting to see how your XR55 will mirror these OS differences. That'll be a nice indication of XR55 jitter supression capabilities.

Thanks Soundcheck,
I will commence the experimentation!

Yes, it will be interesting to hear the XR57's response to front end changes!

I have already reported that 2 channel HDMI sounds much better than 2 channel SPDIF from an Oppo 980H universal DVD player into the XR57

There are many reasons why this could be:
- differences in implementation circuitry between HDMI & SPDIF in Oppo - or in XR57 (indeed XR57 seems to use pulse tranformers for HDMI - based on the schematic - i can't see these as the pcb area is covered by a copper shield, whereas SPDIF implementation does not use pulse trafo)
- Could be a reduction in jitter inherent in the HDMI protocol?
- who knows

Edit: There's always another question after posting, isn't there?
Soundcheck, are all your tweaks in the Wiki or do I need to read through this thread?
jkeny said:

Soundcheck, are all your tweaks in the Wiki or do I need to read through this thread?

Actually the Wiki is to a great extent, especially the kernel hacking sections, out of date. The basics (RAMDISK, XMMS realtime asf) though are still valid.

I promised to update it as soon as Hardy is available.

But - I'll be gone now for the next two weeks. I won't manage to fix it until end of May.
jkeny said:
I looked at printing out this thread but it totals 221 pages!!!!!!

Anywhere there is a condensed version?

This is exactly why I started up the Wiki.
There are so many interesting discussions hidden in a lengthy thread
that just get lost. Beside that things earlier discussed are outdated or repeated several times. A Wiki should have IMO always up2date
information. I know it's hard to maintain and means quite some extra

I would like to see other people, e.g. you and your Panasonic XR55 Tweaking thread to gather all findings and write it down in a Wiki.
It would be very nice if some people would start taking some effort.

I would like to see that the Forum-Admins start thinking about a more
sophisticated Wiki structure. The current one is really annoying. Nobody
is using it. Guess Why?
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