Resolved - Bug Squashed Link box displays wrong post

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After some research, it appears that the "URL unfurling" function in XF simply does not work for internal links.

It uses the publicly accessible meta "description" field for a page. Which contains information about the thread. It is not specific to a post.

Unfortunately this works very poorly for diyAudio and internal links, particularly so because diyAudio is a technical reference site where a lot of important post-specific links are made for reference purposes.

It works well enough for external links, though links to other forums will suffer from the same issue, as will external forums linking to us - unfurling in its current incarnation simply looks at the whole pages meta description, which is derived from the first post.

To avoid confusion, because I do agree that many people read the text instead of clicking through to the link, I have disable URL unfurling site wide. If XF comes up with an option to disable it only for internal links, I will re-enable it as I think it is quite useful for the majority of off-site links.

An alternative is that in the future we develop our own plugin that provides a snippet from the actual post that is being linked.

For now, I think I'll just disable unfurling.
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