Line Array Layout Question

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Hello Line Array Fans...

I'm thinking of persuing some kind of open baffle line array design, and I seem to see a couple of distinct approaches -

One is the multiple woofer/single tweeter model, the other is multiples of both. It seems there would be quite a difference in the sound between a line of tweeters and just one in the center.

Can you guys tell me what the relative merits/advantages/disadvantages are of each model, so I can hopefully narrow down the design? If you need more details on my goals please ask.


See papper of Jim Griffin

In this paper, have answer for all your question and
have most necessary information to construct a Line
Array Speaker to home use.

I finished one, and I have very happy, see at Speakers/Line
Array in

Ps. I am a Brazilian and my English is too bad for
write, but I read without problem.


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