Life after Frugel-Horn Mk3

Joined 2001
Paid Member
Pluvia 11 is inferior to any of the others.

A10.3, A10p are 6 ozone, have dozen of the other. A10p has a well-controlled “vintage” top end, with a bit more romantic midrange, a favourite of those with small tube amps \, a 10.3 probably more “accurate” but has some potential top end problems… they take a long time to completely settle.

A11ms is different. No spider gives it a theoretical edge in terms of mid/top DDR, no spider suggest they might be less able to keep things in control in the LF as the wock gets turned — but both Scott & i have thrashed them and they have been fine. in a 3-way shootout (different boxes) the A11ms won out over Eikona and A10.3eN except for 3D imagining, where the A10.3eN stood out. Chris took both the A11ms and A10.3eN home and kept the latter.

I had a set of A11ms in Compact Floorstanders (by Bernie in solid) and found they had a slight edge i found a bit annoying. A couple coats of diluted gloss fixed that.

Yes, that is a dent in the dustcap.


They are all good, they are all different.

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No haven't built a Pencil design speaker and did consider it. Went with the FHXL as the FH mk3 was very good and feel the bigger driver will bring the better mid range performance without taking a chance on a different design, as you can see by the original posts photo I've room to move the speakers around so if they have to live out from the wall no problem. I understand the Pencil can live closer to rear wall and may of been a better option if space was a problem.