Let the holy war begin ;) Lukasz on caps

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Hi Westerp

After several experiences like yours, I had to forget about half the stuff that I learned by reading this forum and many web sites.

Most of the power of subjectivist audiophiles comes from teaching all their stuff to every naive newbie wishing to get involved in audio, which then becomes a strong believer and teaches other newbies without questioning anything.

That's why they become so angry when other ways of thinking are exposed, because once you understand that subjectivism is a big mistake, and that there are other ways of thinking, you are never going to believe in it again (and never going to expend a cent on their products).
OK than
I'm ready to collect all your crappy expensive and very expensive caps free of charge and send you generic replacements to please your dogs , wifes and in-laws. I do believe Radio Shack drivers are as good as any other and all competent costco receivers are perfect as long as you keep your dog outside and the kitchen door shut. Also all the cloned DIY speakers sound as good or better than originals and most things audio is mambo jambo anyway:)
You can't just compare simple components such as capacitors, inductors and resistors to very complex systems like speakers.

If you perform measurements on low cost generic C, L and R parts, you get nearly non-objectionable results. They are close to perfect, except by parasitic L, C and R components, and changes in value related to temperature changes (because component size changes with temperature too!)

In contrast, a generic low-cost speaker usually produces horrible measurements (and some of the most expensive ones too). You would need 100s of Ls, Rs and Cs to produce a relatively accurate model of what's happening inside a speaker (both electrically and acoustically).
I do believe Radio Shack drivers are as good as any other and all competent costco receivers are perfect as long as you keep your dog outside and the kitchen door shut. Also all the cloned DIY speakers sound as good or better than originals and most things audio is mambo jambo anyway

The last refuge of the scoundrel - building straw men and throwing smelly red herrings.
limono said:

Nah, there is/was a Polish whisky/whiskey a while (10 years) back. It's generaly not in slavs mentality to wait years for alcohol to age;) (Scandinavians are even worse I heard but my friend said that nothing compare to Japanese businessman 0:D

Probably called "winiak". Don't try it, the difference compared to sctoch is not "nihuja"
darkfenriz said:
Or rather "starka", winiak is more like brandy.
Geez guys it was Polish rye whisky .Some destillery tried to market it at that time .I'm Polish and spent most of my life in Poland and drank it all (my friends were bartenders ;).
I brought the subject of costco receivers because some respected manufacturer of "best sepakers in the world-for the money" measured particular brand of costco receivers and found out that they are about as good as they possibly can be and there is not much sense to invest more in amplification. I bet that in blind test I'd agree with him.;) but this is a hobby for me and hobby usually is about loosing money not saving money. So, I'm going to use best components (and most expensive caps) I can afford (which translate on pretty cheap actually ) and let others laugh and enjoy their choices. As to the speakers (to stray from the topic) I find that cheap ones are easy to live with and suprisingly musical -more expensive and "scientific" they became more irrititing "hyped" they sound.
Still raining.


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analog_sa said:

I still don't get it. You seem to have a decent system and enough interest in sound. If you only spent the same amount of time experimenting with caps that you have invested in this useless thread you would have reached better conclusions. And why use MKT caps for comparisons? I don't know the exact make you tried but many electrolytics are actually better sounding than per example Philips MKT.

I'm not exactly sure if they're actually MKT, I took them from work. They were from surplus stock and stored in a drawer marked "MKT". I tried these simply because they didn't cost me anything and had the value someone suggested I should substitute the 22 uF elco's with.
They're red, made by Wima and have the value 4.7uF/50V. A parametric search at the Wima site reveals they're most likely MKS2.

There are several reasons why I didn't put the elco's back in:
- I damaged the pcb during removal of the elco's and it won't take any more abuse;
- the housing has just enough space for the pcb's (which are stacked and barely leave space for the auxiliaries like switch, fuse, toroid and jackbus), since the pcb's are connected to eachother with as short as possible soldered wires (no connectors) working on it is a real pain in the backside;
- I didn't detect any short term nor long term changes in the sound, so never felt the least bit inclined to swap things back again;
- I'm not enough of a perfectionist to try to wring every last drop out of something if it is already very good.


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Ex-Moderator R.I.P.
Joined 2005
Wima MKC was the top back in the old days, when 1% res were military spec
Wonder if thats the reason fore the army green

As said, Im told that polycarbonate is a higher grade "plastic" than polypopylene
Some even say that polyester does less damage to sound
Others hate ALL kinds of plastic

I believe its the isolating difference between paper and plastic that makes PIOs lees good fore very high frequency, and polys better
That is when only looking at scope
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