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For Sale LDOVR, LT3045 based linear reg. modules DC/DC, 1Amax, 14 items (Europe ship.)

Things you have for sale.
I sell various LDOVR voltage regulators (DC/DC).

They are the previous version of the current one, available here => https://www.ldovr.com/product-p/lt3045-1a0g.htm
Although... honestly I don't see any diff btw "old" vs "new"…
Each regulator has 2 LT3045 in parallel, thus the limit is 1A max / reg.

LT045, from Analog Devices, is one of most efficient LDO on the market : very low dropout, high PSSR, etc…

Various LDOVR can be parallelled to increase the load.. to 2.. 3A.. and so on.

All the LDOVR have in/out connectors soldered.
All in mint condition

For sale =>
=> 9 items / 3.3 VDC fixed output
=> 4 items / 1.2 VDC fixed output
=> 1 item / 5 VDC fixed output

Price => 15Eur / item, shipping included with tracking No
Payment via PayPal.

If you take them all => you can ask for a "special price" of course.

I'm located in Paris surburb (FR).

Shipping :
  • free (-4Eur/item), if we can meet in Paris area
  • to be det., depending on your location / only to european countries (simply because I have no clue about shipping pricing worldwide 🙂 )

Interested, questions about the product, would prefer a nicier price : just ask via message or email.
