Large photos on the forum. Good or bad?

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I know that it's very inspiring for many to see pictures of completed work.

Maybe the forum should take up a collection so you can levitate from "dial-up"
maybe the same information could be delivered with a compressed pic file with a lower resolution.
I too love to see pics of completed work. I certainly do not want to stop or restrict that.
I am sure many on this Forum think likewise.

Why should this giant file stupidity be tolerated? It would be very easy to stop. It has nothing to do with dial-up or not dial-up.
Hehe. Funny.

I noticed that the pic opened up fully, then shrunk again. Would be good if it came up as a thumbnail that gets exploded optionally by clicking it (I suspect it is supposed to work this way, though). Sadly, data is expensive where I'm from...
yes the Forum software sends the whole 2MB and sets the screen size to maximum.
When the page is fully uploaded it shows the full size pic.
Only when I reload the pic does the software shrink it to fit the screen. But it has already downloaded all 2MB.
Yes, posting a thumbnail of restricted resolution and sending that thumbnail as a compressed file would be a far more efficient use of bandwidth. There are other ways the Forum could avoid the stupidity of downloading 2MB of attachments. We need to complain if we want action. They do not seem to want to do this pro-actively.
Joined 2004
Paid Member
I'm with Andrew on this one. Over-sized digital images are a huge pet peeve of mine. If you can learn to use a digital camera, then by golly you can learn to resize your pix!!:mad:

There are quite a few forum members who read this via dial up or wireless (3G, etc). Huge photos really swamp those connections.

The bottom line is this. There simply is NO need for any photo over 80KB to be posted to the forum. In the range of 50-80 KB you can fill the screen with the photographic glory of your audio contraption. And if you use the right format (GIF, PNG) you can fill the screen with lovely sharp schematics or graphs - and stay under 80K.

Anyone who posts a photo over 80K I put down to sheer laziness. There is simply no need to do it. Except laziness.
Joined 2004
Paid Member
Fixed! ;) Photos are now 1/10th the file size.

Andrew, one problem is that these photos were links to images stored elsewhere. They were not hosted on the forum. That's much harder to control. I downloaded them, resized them and put them in the post as attachments. Should be much better now.
if the Forum's system cannot prevent such miss-use of bandwidth and often deliberate flouting of our file size rules, then there is an obvious solution.
Ban all links to other file servers.

But I am pretty sure you clever folk designing our Forum system can find ways to prevent these big files auto downloading when we have no choice but to let it happen.
Joined 2001
Paid Member
But I am pretty sure you clever folk designing our Forum system can find ways to prevent these big files auto downloading when we have no choice but to let it happen.

In simpliest terms, A member puts a link in their message, the forum software passes the link to your browser, your browser then downloads the file from the URL.

To pre-parse all posts, download the pictures, manipulate them, store them and change those links, is a huge use of server resources. There are also potential copyright issues.

To put that many resources behind such a scheme, when there are only a few such images, and a small proportion of users with problems of bandwidth, in a world where bandwidth is growing daily, at a penalty to every user without an issue seems a misuse of still precious resources. Better to educate posters of big pictures about image size and members with limited bandwidth that they can turn off automatic image download.

Don't worry.

I wrote it about the fact that there is a solution in the forum already according to me onto this problem.

But they paid attention to me never, i'm sorry.

There is a setting in the UserCP options, the one that bans the representation of all pictures automatically.
See it on the enclosed picture with red one putting a circle.
Here visible onto the forum the size of a uploaded picture.
In the knowledge of this decidable, that let me see, or no.
This works onto the pictures that is inserted as external links.
I made this mistake earlier.
I apologise for this.
Show Images (including attached images and images in code)[/B]


Just a subjective comment.
Unfortunately, I am one of those who have been the fate of more expensive hobby is defeated, among other things. And I think the resolution is, above all, not just the voice, but also in photography. I have a 8Mpx Canon and a 10MPx Nikon. At the image quality seems better to be plus 2 MPx. I think somewhere in the 20-25 MPx is good!
Although I know also that the average use of the 3 MPx is acceptable.
But what I am Gyuri, a Wacky.


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    Visible elements.JPG
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