Laptop recommendation?

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Here` my laptop. Bright. The software is user friendly and always...soft. This one prefers to run with a mouse. :D
Great for interactive games and I should add, doesn`t eat batteries either!


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Mark A. Gulbrandsen said:
After the last IDE failure I switched to SCSI drives as I got a good deal from a local guy that had unused Seagate Baracuda pulls from Dell servers that were never put into service... thank you U.S. Govt.! These drives are now close to three years old and neary a blip out of any of em. I think what Dolby's tech guys told me is indeed very true!


heh, thank seagate, not the gov.

i have a newegg oem seagate cuda iv 40gb, from 4/2002, been spinning 24/7, usually system partition and swap host, was lunix kernel software raid 0 for a couple years, so it got used. same performance, still never makes noise. it has a steel plate UNDER the hdd covering the PCB, with foam insulation. SeaShield! newer ones dont have =(

approaching 5 years old =)

i have a cuda 7200.7 120gb, also oem newegg, from 8/2003. media partion, usually, or spare OS partition. so tons of reads, at least. also in a software raid 0 array for almost 2 years. also spinning close to 24/7.

more than 3 years, still good =)

the key is to never let the drives cool off because then the bearing will cycle between hot and cold many more times over its lifetime and warp the bearings and thus create heads crashing (really...)

if the OEMs get the grade A/B drives, they must be dropping them or something. im always pulling crashed hdd out <5 year old dell/hp/gateway/etc compies.

serious, whose bright idea was it to name a line of hard drives 'fireball' wtf...
After getting my Dell widescreen monitor last year, I am a fan for life... even killed one, connected to a power cord on which I had a few thousand volt DC short (ioniser), they brough me one the very next day (obviously I didn't tell them), in fact they brough me a total of 4 monitors until I was happy.... and that at a lower price than any of the establised cheapo local sellers....

Where ever I get the chance I now feel it my obligation to speak up for their good service...Concider I love on the anus of the world...
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