I have a KRK rokit 5 2nd gen , recaped with low ESR nichicon, replaced a few 104 caps and resistors with correct values.
The speaker works but the bass is very low and the high from the twitter is really high .
did the same with the other one and it worked fine , same parts used .
where can I start checking ?
No more black junk, I cleaned it all up and re did all the corded connections with new ones .
Any help would be appreciated.
I have a KRK rokit 5 2nd gen , recaped with low ESR nichicon, replaced a few 104 caps and resistors with correct values.
The speaker works but the bass is very low and the high from the twitter is really high .
did the same with the other one and it worked fine , same parts used .
where can I start checking ?
No more black junk, I cleaned it all up and re did all the corded connections with new ones .
Any help would be appreciated.
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Does it use LM3886 or LM1875 amplifier ICs? I suspect you have an open circuit or trace in the LP section. I would just follow the signal until it drops out and take comparative measurements between the other working one. Perhaps something as simple as the level trim control for the LP section is the culprit if it has one.
So you have 2 x TDA2052 bridged for LF section and 1 x TDA2052 for HF. You'll have to look for a phase inverter that drives the bridged LF section. It may not be driving the negative or positive side of the bridged amp, only giving you half the LF drive level. Did this speaker work properly before you replaced all those parts?
@profiguy I replaced almost all the same parts for the other one and it worked, I swapped the amps out and the actual drivers are good .
For some of the resistors I did you blue resistors which are 1% tolerance but still hold the same values in terms of ohms,do you think that can be the issue?
For some of the resistors I did you blue resistors which are 1% tolerance but still hold the same values in terms of ohms,do you think that can be the issue?
If you've swapped all the parts for the same values, there should be no issue there. I'm thinking you overlooked something really small but important like a break in a trace from removing the black glue on the PCB. If the unit that isn't working right has worked ok before the modifications, its going to be something like I described before. There is.of course a possibility of a resistor being mislabeled or defective to start with, so you'll have to measure every resistor and compare with the working unit. Hope that helps.
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- KRK Rokit 5 2nd gen low bass