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Joined 2009
Paid Member
I'm working with a ko-3691d, I
replace some shorted audio mosfet
transistors. all the resirtors near The
MOSFET measure ok, but this amp goes to
protection 3 second after power is
apply to it, if I disconnect the rectifier
power green light is normal, can some
one please help. thanks in advance.
Im trying to post some images, but Im geting this error
Your submission could not be processed because a security token was missing.

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  • 10W-amplifier-using-TDA2003.jpg
    39.1 KB · Views: 77
sorry, but I try many things including 2 deferent computer
and still not able to post this images. if I take a image from
a web page and save it as an image as you can see is ok,
but pictures from my camera can be posted . is there any other
way around this?
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