Just another new guy

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Hi all,
Just found this place doing some DIY research. Man there's a lot of good stuff floating around this place! I was looking for stuff on amp building - imagine my surprise when I found a thread about DIYing your own capacitors. 😎

I'm sure to pester some of you about all kinds of stupid things since I've been building my own guitar effects since about 1980. I've also fixed amps & other audio goodies for some time, but only recently got into getting ready for my first real full-on tube amp build from scratch. It'll be a clone (sort of) of a 5C1 Fender Champ with some elements of 50s tweed Princeton and a couple tweaks for a little more grunt without completely changing the feel of the all-octal design.

I have no formal training in electronics at all, I've learned everything on my own. Because of learning this way, there are holes in my knowledge base, but I do at least know about discharging capacitors and using chopsticks while sitting on one hand. 😀

- JJ
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