JTM60 capacitor question

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i have a few question to ask. i have a JTM60 Mashell Amp and the 550VDC 47uF capacitor leaked and it needs to be replaced. i did some online search and cant find a replacement cap for it. i was wondering if i can use a 47uF 600VDC cap instead.

another thing is, can i run the cap in series? like one 70uF 250V cap and a 200uF 300V cap? because if it is in series, it is around 47uF and the voltage is around 550V? correct me if i'm wrong because i'm not too sure myself.
Furthermore, your series capacitors will only divide the voltage up equally when their capacitance is identical (and their leakage is identical).

Placing 70uF and 200uF caps in series, the 70uF cap will have higher reactance, so will drop more voltage. The 70uF cap will drop about 400V, and the 200uF cap about 150V.

Instead of a resistive divider (what we're most familiar with), you have a capacitive divider, based on their reciprocals (1/C).
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