Jordan Eikona damping ring

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recently I built the Jordan VTL speakers with Eikona 1 drivers.
I only realized after mounting the speakers to the cabinet the lack of the black damping ring in one of the drivers. As you can see in the attached pictures (both the drivers with and without ring) there is no sign of glue: they just forgot to attach it to the metal cone!

I am very disappointed with the Jordan customer support. They promised me to ship the damping ring and subsequently to help me in correctly mounting it: but following many months and three reminders of mine via email I received nothing!

Jordan is going to lose a customer, but by the way: can you tell me what is the exact task of the damping ring? What is the effect on the sound quality of the lack of a ring in one of the speakers?

Thank you



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A couple of points:

First, thanks for the feedback, Northernsky. I checked with Ted and two sets of damping rings were sent out. If you email sales (at) again with a confirmed address, another set will be sent out via airmail. The last request for an address did not receive a reply so it was assumed the last set of damping rings were received.

The damping ring damps a cone resonance which is barely audible but which shows up on measurements. As Ted wanted to make this drive unit as good as possible, he looked at other ways t damp it than the cap used on the JX92. The damping rings are used on the Eikona 2.

The Eikona 1 was manufactured in the UK but by a specialist company, not Lowther, who weren't able to meet Ted's requirements. There was no divorce. The two approaches to fullrange drivers were a little too different. The demand for the original Eikona - plus requests for the circular chassis - caused the development of the Eikona 2 and the move to Scanspeak.
A couple of points:

First, thanks for the feedback, Northernsky. I checked with Ted and two sets of damping rings were sent out. If you email sales (at) again with a confirmed address, another set will be sent out via airmail. The last request for an address did not receive a reply so it was assumed the last set of damping rings were received.

The damping ring damps a cone resonance which is barely audible but which shows up on measurements. As Ted wanted to make this drive unit as good as possible, he looked at other ways t damp it than the cap used on the JX92. The damping rings are used on the Eikona 2.

The Eikona 1 was manufactured in the UK but by a specialist company, not Lowther, who weren't able to meet Ted's requirements. There was no divorce. The two approaches to fullrange drivers were a little too different. The demand for the original Eikona - plus requests for the circular chassis - caused the development of the Eikona 2 and the move to Scanspeak.

Hello Colin,
Regarding a Jordan-Lowther collaboration, it comes from an announcement made on Ted's site some months back. It generated this thread:

The link in the first post of the Jordan-Lowther thread doesn't direct to the original page, but to the latest announcements. Such situations can understandably create some confusion as member's and end-user expectations were raised.

Hello Guys,
Naturally its frustrating to receive drivers with missing components. Apologies in advance when makers miss items during packing. But Ted is now in his +80's so cutting him some slack is worth consideration. His work-time in the industry is remarkable. He quite possibly is the longest serving driver designer currently working.

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Hi Mark - long time no chat. Good to hear from you. How are you?

Thanks for the link. I'd forgotten about that. Yes, the Lowther connection was short-lived. It was a nice idea but Jordan and Lowther drivers could hardly be further apart in their approaches so it didn't get beyond preliminary investigation.

Part of the move to Scanspeak was because they do all the manufacture, from taking in initial components to QC at the end, so there is no danger of missing components. Their QC is legendary and the quality of the finished delivery is excellent. Even the boxes are a 10-part work of art! Even so, everything is now checked before sending out from the warehouse.

Ted is still working on drive units but has taken a step back from day-to-day running of sales. Myself and a couple of other people are now involved in that. If you email the sales address, you'll get me. This means Ted can continue to develop new ideas - and he has a few! One of the benefits of working with him is encountering an 80-year old who is more open to new ideas than most 40-year olds I know.

NORTHERNSKY - I'm concerned that our emails aren't reaching you as we haven't had any replies. I've sent a private message via the forum. If you'd like to reply via PM with your address, I'll post another damping ring and set of instructions.
Excellent, I've got your address. :)

I'll send the damping ring on Monday and PM you the tracking details. I'll include instructions for fitting.

Ted designs by a combination of listening (including testing on others) and measurement. At the development stage of the Eikona he found that by producing a peak in the response, it would measure to over 22kHz. However it did that at the expense of overall level response, so preferred instead to damp the peak and produce an earlier roll-off and a more balanced result. The damping rings - and a couple of other techniques - were part of that process.
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