John Curl's Blowtorch preamplifier part II

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What specifically were the test signals? How were they generated? What were the level matching procedures?

FFS...'' spoken word recordings on a single FR speaker...if you can't get that correct 100% of the time you have cloth ears ''.
I have it on good authority that you do have cloth ears, hence your insistence on T&M results for everything.
Hopefully you are better at wine tasting...oh wait, isn't that an entirely subjective field ?.

OK, have it your way. Your circuits make hifi systems sound nothing like live music. It's a curious claim, but if that's what you want, more power to you.

Smart ***.:D;)

He's turning your crank, John.:p

If we want a good illusion, (you are there, they are here), then you got to have clean sound.

Naughty boy, SY.;):nownow:

Just caught your last post, Major.
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Bingo....perhaps I should have edited down your quote in my first post....''certainly when I was playing with audibility of polarity, I could generate test signals that would give me significant results ears-only, but I could never consistently do that with music ''.

I did however say this ''With pop music don't expect all mics/sources to be same polarity, and don't expect all tracks on an album to be same polarity.
Often the top 40 release single will be inverted wrt the rest of the album, probably likely due to mastering in a different facility ''.

Replay acoustic polarity is mission critical ime.

OK, so you're doing it for money. So are others in the fashion audio niche. Nothing wrong with that.

Carver is great at promotion. The setup described by Gordon Holt in the Stereophile link was classic carnival sideshow. My hat's off to him, he's an original, besides being an incredibly innovative engineer.

Now this can have several meanings, depending on how one reads it.

Are you suggesting that John is a "fashion" audio designer? If so, what is your proof? Where is your data to substantiate such a bold claim? And exactly why would you make it? Have you been left out of the happy crowd garnering millions overnight by soldering a couple of transistors in a funny way? Does this also imply that all those who gave John his awards are deaf dogs and gullible fools? Is it now a mortal sin to get paid for award winning designs? How the hell do you think we got this far, by keeping designers on bread and water?

The simple fact SY is that the very mention of John is like waving a red blanket in front of a charging bull, and for proof, I offer the last 50 pages of this thread. Anyone and everyone can see for themselves. Just mentioning John causes a slew of your messages, and since I refuse to do your homework for you, I suggest you ask a qualified psychologist to deny or confirm these easily seen facts.

Which in no way means that John is always right, or right by default. Nor is Otala, nor is Bob Cordell, nor do I agree or disagree with them by default. On some things I do, on some I don't, even when I understand why they did it the way they did.
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