John Curl's Blowtorch preamplifier part II

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Live music is a combined series of wavefronts, only some of which are periodic for a short term.

Doesn't matter, you can still do a valid Fourier transform on it- as has been mentioned again and again and again and again, all you have to do is (conceptually) loop it.

where are all those global warming deniers now?

Same place as all the AGW advocates were when we had some of the coldest winters ever- busy pointing out the difference between weather and climate. But this is politics and we shouldn't go there.
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Joined 2012
With the advantage of travelling the planet for many years -- I have seen with my own eye... global warming. Two months ago, i was up in Alaska when there should be snow and still raining. Looking for galcers falling into the ocean et all. Nothing there -- i might as well have stayed in california. No rain and no snow anywhere to be seen but a patch here and there from months earlier. Had a short light winter -- that far north. Wasnt always like that. Did not see any animals at all. No bears even. It has changed in just one generation.
But it might not really be a warming trend that did it. (?)

Last year I was in the Hymalyian country of Nepal ... same thing... less snow. I was in Thailand during the flooding rains and was just able to get out of the city as the floods approached and cut my trip short. That level of weather change had never been seen before.

Something real is happening with the weather and it is related to warming. Only debate is what is causing it. natural or man made or combination of both.
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Doesn't matter, you can still do a valid Fourier transform on it- as has been mentioned again and again and again and again, all you have to do is (conceptually) loop it.

And as I mentioned:

"Yes, you can do a Fourier transform of a music wavefront, all you need is six matched microphones (for directionality) and a bandwidth more than twice the music's (500 khz should do) and of course resolution from a bit below the noise floor to the maximum amplitude (26 bits or so.) "

Now if you want to loop a piece of music, how do you know you have not missed an interesting feature? So we disagree on the word "Valid."

Just to really get you going there really is no such thing as DC (Direct Current!)
Before systemic pesticides lettuce was not kosher as you could never get all the insect parts out of it. Now it is considered kosher, but should that apply to organic lettuce? Do you ever find insects in it? If not why not?

The organic lettuce I buy has no insects, it is individual leaves washed and packed.
I care about my health, I don't care at all about kosher. To my view, if there is God, He/She/It should take care of me, not vice versa.
The other issue was that Fourier is limited to periodic signals not unit impulses.
Just loop it to make it periodic, as we keep saying. Music has no discontinuities so Fourier works just fine. Even if music had some discontinuities Fourier would still be OK, but you would get wiggles if you truncated the series. This is 2nd year engineering maths (in the UK).
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Joined 2012
Brilliant physicist story --
The no fly zone north of Las vegas (area 300) is a good place to measure muzzle velocity of a 50mm cannon for the military. Helps in development of the HE explosives, fuel used etal.

OK. So they asked for a shed be built. In that shed would be all the diagnostics. Then they put a window on opposite sides of the shed.... roll the cannon up and put the barrel thru one window -- the shell would exit out the other window.

This is a physisict run project, remember. They shoot off the cannon - BLAM - and guess what? The building exploded.

A practicle, experienced technician said that would happen but what did he know... had he ever done this test before? No. Ok so shut up. he was right though. he said the over pressure from the muzzel blast in the shed would destroy it. Oh but our calculations (physicist speaking) said there is plenty of space thru the window openings to relieve the pressure. Wrong.
The equipemtn shed was blow to s**t along with all the equipment ($$) !!

Not detered... another test using a large cannon (Howitzer) was to be used too and they wanted to catch the shell in tack and not damaged to see the rifling marks and what ever. Ok. miles away they lay down a lot of hay to catch and soften the landing and it was pretty long strip of hay. Blam! Oh S**t!! The hay caught fire and burned down 30% of Nevada's grasslands -- no fire fighters out there.... the ranchers had a lot of suits for loss of grazing land use and loss of income.. they won, of course.
Seems the physicists never took the input that the shell would be reall hot. They calculated something else. Apparently something unreal.

I got a bunch of horrror stories from the likes of well intended but goofy thinking. And, those were supposed to be by the better minds out there ?!

So, what can I take away from this forum???

Thx for the fun conversations and opinions; RNM
Just loop it to make it periodic, as we keep saying. Music has no discontinuities so Fourier works just fine. Even if music had some discontinuities Fourier would still be OK, but you would get wiggles if you truncated the series. This is 2nd year engineering maths (in the UK).

How to figure out proper length of pause in the loop, between the end and the beginning?
Seems the physicists never took the input that the shell would be reall hot. They calculated something else. Apparently something unreal.

Yesterday my friend was disappointed by his new state of the art Sony camera.
During the hot day it started shooting black and white pictures... Then returned back to normal.
I said, "Hey, welcome to the computer modeled reality!"
Did they test prototypes on the field before starting production? I doubt.
They shoot off the cannon - BLAM - and guess what? The building exploded.

A practicle, experienced technician said that would happen but what did he know... had he ever done this test before? No. Ok so shut up. he was right though. he said the over pressure from the muzzel blast in the shed would destroy it. Oh but our calculations (physicist speaking) said there is plenty of space thru the window openings to relieve the pressure. Wrong.
The equipemtn shed was blow to s**t along with all the equipment ($$)

Maybe they'd watched too many TV shows where people fire handguns indoors, with no hearing protection, and converse immediately afterwards. What could go wrong?

What pause? You can always add a pause if you like silence.

RNMarsh said:
Brilliant physicist story --
I'm sure most experimental physicists have some good technician stories, but they would be too polite to share them (except with other physicists). Of course, theoretical physicists may tell experimenter stories or mathematician stories.
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