is this how all users are treated

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diyAudio Moderator Emeritus
Joined 2001
Thank you, Jan and Halojoy.

The name is from my (half) Irish descent. Since I believe that electronics and science is the true Wizardry of this world, the name was meant to convey a lighthearted image of a guy in a pointed hat and flowing robe using capacitors, diodes and transistors to cook up his magic, rather than the traditional hot cauldron full of eye of newt.

What the heck do newts look like, anyway? Has anybody on this forum actually seen a newt? :confused: :confused:

PS: Just checked out the interesting link. In America, Celtic and Keltic are virtually synonomous with Irish, though I have come to realize that that Scots are of the same descent.
I thought i did Jason donald this is his reply to my email about him saying that.

Mate as long as you post your original question verbatim you can post it anywhere you want! Go right ahead! :)

-----Original Message-----
From: Phillip LaRocco []
Sent: Tuesday, 10 December 2002 12:36 AM
Subject: RE: requireing a search prior to posting a new thred
ppl said:
I will not post on your site until that problem is corrected

Mods and sysadmin of DIYAUDIO.

Pleae do not make any changes to the feature as requested by this user.

Although I doubt it, I have hopes that he will do what he says and never post here again.

Something isn't right here, and I don't think it's the mods and sysadmins

Quite sincerely

Ken L
Not to worry this is my last post I will stay in my comfort zone where people are more respecfull. what is not right hear i talked about at the start and then everyone is missing the point, moreover as was sed by another i will not be missed and that is OK with me
enuffs enuff

ppL is right, we should stop this ridiculous thing . So much is misunderstood and overblown in this thread. Some people should read everything through carefully before they post. :xeye:

ppL, I'm glad that you decided to stay at diyaudio although some folks don't stop posting crap and insulting you........

What a shame to our beautiful community!

moderators!! Please close this thread!!!
Joined 2000
Paid Member
Ask a silly question, get a silly answer

Sorry to open this thread up again to post a final message, but I feel I need to on behalf of the moderator team. <i>The message was from me, and no reflection on the moderator team, of which I am not a part of</i>. I just keep the server running.

In retrospect, the email probably didn't deserve such a pathetic reply, but I thought it was funny at the time.

When someone writes a monosylabolic (sp?) unpunctuated rant telling me that they refuse to post on my site because of a minor inconvenience, I should be polite and take the time to be nice and explain the reasons why the site works way it does.

I was weak, I got on a power trip, and so, I would like to formally apologise to you Phillip for letting my own lack of personal security embody itself in this act of immaturity (sincerely).

This thread has been re-opened for constructive criticism so that anyone wanting to get anything off their chest can do so.
diyAudio Moderator Emeritus
Joined 2001
joensd said:
YES. Let´s close this thread!
Welcome PPL.

I don't know about that. It seems to me that there are still things to consider here.

The Webmaster just put himself in the Sin Bin!!!!!

Couldn't it be said that this is taking Democracy too far?

Hey, I like Democracy as much as the next guy, but let's consider this. A Democracy is a system where citizens all contribute to the financial pot, donate their time to do what is necessary to keep things running, and in return get the benefits of that nation.

Here, we have one man, Webmaster, who shoulders all the burden, is charged with all the responsiblilites of running a site day after day, week after week, at great expense to his time and financial resources. That is his "contribution", if bringing something into existence and keeping it alive can be merely termed a "contribution".

I mean, the very second Webmaster decides, "I'm sick of this crap" this site instantly ceases to be!!

Whereas, our sole contribution, as members, is to drop in here at our convenience and bloviate endlessly on any subject that pops up in our little minds.

So when the time comes to dole out punishments for transgressions, is it logical to put Webmaster in the same category as the rest of us? Look at the difference in contributions between himself and us!

Websites aren't Democracies. Nobody pays anything except the Webmaster.

Democracies don't have to require everyone to pay equal amounts, of course. You can have sliding scales, etc. for taxes. Flat tax vs graduated tax is another subject entirely. But even under the present system, in Democracies people of equal income pay roughly equal tax, (minus exceptions for children, etc.). If you are too broke to pay much, or anything, you have to start paying as soon as your financial ship comes in.

With 3,000 members, it is a statistical certainty that at least some us have more money than the Webmaster. Yet, we will never contribute to the running of this site, financially or administratively, as the Webmaster does. Why? Because the website is not a Democracy, that's why!

Even if there is provision to voluntarily contribute, as some websites have-I do not know if this one does that-it is all window dressing.

DIYAudio will never be a Democracy until the day when the cost for running it is distributed, by agreement, among the members according to a formula, be it flat percentage or sliding scale. The occasional voluntary contribution, if indeed provision for that exists, changes nothing.

I hereby call upon DIYAudio to end this sham and for the Webmaster to take his rightful place at the head of this website. It is his, he started it, he pays for it, and there is no reason for him to put himself, or to allow himself to be put into, the virtual doghouse while the members get to luxuriate in the main house as if we pay any bills around here.

Free The Webmaster!!!
Re: Ask a silly question, get a silly answer

Jason said:

When someone writes a monosylabolic (sp?) unpunctuated rant telling me that they refuse to post on my site because of a minor inconvenience, I should be polite and take the time to be nice and explain the reasons why the site works way it does.

I don't want to speak for Phillip, but I have known him online for a few years and would like to explain his writing style. He does not do this to annoy people; he has overcome barriers that would keep most people from posting on the internet at all. As a result, this style is the only way he can communicate in a bearable amount of time.

He has a wealth of knowledge to share, being a former IC designer at Analog Devices, I believe.

ppl, please don't get discouraged by this inauspicious beginning, I for one would enjoy your contributions to this forum
Welcome Back All

Said above : Welcome PPL ( And I add: Welcome Frank and Dice too.)

Said Above : PPL, please don't get discouraged by this inauspicious beginning, I for one would enjoy your contributions to this forum

Said Above: Free the Webmaster

I second all of the above.

Jason slipped. But running a place like this can be a rather thankless and time-consuming job.

PPL slipped. He quickly criticized what he did not understand. It would have been far kinder and wiser to ask a question and understand before threatening to take his business elsewhere. The search function here is good. THANKS Jason. How many times must smart folks who are willing to help be asked to explain the same thing? PPL, you should learn how to use the search function instead of criticizing someone who works grata to make this all happen. Jason deserves the benefit of the doubt and MORE. I hope you (PPL) stick around here, accept Jason’s apology, and don’t take what some other person said too seriously.

That is not to say that what Jason said was “right.” It would have been far kinder and wiser to explain why it is set up that way. But he has apologized. Apparently, he did not mean it in the way it came across. Jason thought “it was funny at the time.” Actually, I think I can see how he thought this. PPL was asking him to make a change in the board for the worse (he (Jason) would have been “screwing himself” and the rest of us to make the change) and in the heat of the moment responded in kind. It is easy for the “weight” of a statement to be lost on a forum without tone of voice etc…In this way I thank Jason’s remark resembles Frank’s sad reference to courts and suits. It was intended one way - and taken in another (unfortunately a very serious and “threatening” way).

There is an ancient tradition of pardoning the condemned at Winter Solstice based, in part, on the hope that it will appease the God’s and help restore light and warmth to the planet. The tradition heralded a turning point, a celebration - The day that marks the return of the sun and all that is good. Given the quickness with which most of us condemn, there is a certain wisdom and humanity in such traditions.

It would be nice if all those recently exiled and such would be invited to return.

The timing is certainly right.

Tis the Season
Craig Ryder
So, Jason has been put in sin bin, which is a good demonstration
that the system is working in this case. However, I agree with
those of you want to let him out again. I think nobody really
demanded this to happen, there were only requests for facts
and comments from Jason and/or the moderators. Further,
Jason did apologize for what he did, which I think is sufficient.
Remember that most people who have been put in sin bin for
offending others have ended up there because they did not
apologize even when asked to by the moderators.

LET JASON OUT, he did apologize for what happened.
I don't want to speak for Phillip, but I have known him online for a few years and would like to explain his writing style. He does not do this to annoy people; he has overcome barriers that would keep most people from posting on the internet at all. As a result, this style is the only way he can communicate in a bearable amount of time.

He has a wealth of knowledge to share, being a former IC designer at Analog Devices, I believe.

ppl, please don't get discouraged by this inauspicious beginning, I for one would enjoy your contributions to this forum
I can only underline this.
When I started DIY i was hanging out onHeadwize almost every day and read numerous of PPL´s post to build and repair my circuits. He´s definitely an enrichment to the forum.
And I actually don´t have problems with his writing style at all.

Craig mentioned the rest : Free Jason,...

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