is there any any good Mp3-Player??

Do you think it is difficult to setup Linux on it? I don't think so

If you do not think so you have likely done your homework of learning how is this particular model supported in linux, right?

What about Crunchbang Linux? That could fit, right?

It would definitely fit, that machine has 32GB drive. Is a distribution based on debian stable appropriate for a brand-new netbook? That I am not so sure about.

Is that netbook fanless? I am typing this on a few years old eeepc and the fan is running pretty loud.
The Acer Aspire E11 is pure ****. Although I found one guy in the internet telling he installed Mint on the eMMC card (that is why I ordered the netbook), I was not really successful after days of investigation. Mint can be installed but it sometimes does not boot and cannot properly shutdown. Access to this eMMC sometimes takes 20, 30 minutes, e. g. for gparted to recognize it, sometimes it fails completely. Some boot ups end in a strange "Gave up waiting 4 root device" shell. WTF?
another guy from ubuntuusers. de gave up exactly today with the same issue:

Acer Aspie ES1-111M-C56A: Installiertes Ubuntu bootet nicht ? System einrichten und verwalten ? Forum ?

so what felony did the acer guys do to this machine? or is it that linux is not as good as I would like it to be. Bloated ******** $$$$soft Windooze 8.1 is actually running on that machine (!?) . So what linux is crap or this acer?

think I ll get myself another netbook - remember it is for playing MP3s !
which one should I try this time? EUR 200 is already gone with the wind....
SalentOS live ISO cannot even boot, parted magic live can boot but gparted app gives error messages. no any way to access the eMMC under parted magic live, but sometimes under mint live?? ! since there is only 2 usb ports and one bootable I cannot install linux on another stick from a stick. last forever try today is to get mint live to format eMMC to FAT32, then unetbootin the live mint ISO onto the eMMC then boot live Mint from the eMMC install Mint onto another USB stick so I have the system running from stick if that does not work - the trash can is waiting right next to my desk.
So I ve the same issue like the Asus T100 ? and all I ve got to do is just hack into the linux kernel to make all good. lol interesting how you found that out - I did not despite hours of googling... still - better to try to find an updated ISO file instead hacking the linux kernel...
I seem to have that special kind of luck that lets me always experience the "latest'" issue!
I remember fighting with the famous OS X USB audio interface gapping issue under Mavericks a year ago, just when that issue was "invented". It magically disappeared from my Mac over time, but thousands of others still have it and suffer to the point of studios loosing revenue due to it, while Apple is officially still ignoring the issue.
quite late today...2 am ... looks I am just earning my PhD for computer science: I ve successfully imaged the mint iso onto the eMMC, then booted, now installing the system onto an usb stick (!). if that works, I can still use the emmc as a file storage device, but keep the system on usb - why not?
The problem is with accessing this new emmc drive.

Compiling and building a new kernel package in debian-based distributions is just a few simple copy/pastes in terminal. The system offers pre-made scripts which take care of everything.

You can compile on any PC, but you need to install the newly prepared packages (just several deb files) on your system. The easiest way would be if you could install into an already running mint on your emmc (slowly, unreliably, but running enough to be able to install the packages).

Can you at least sometimes boot up and run the mint on your asus emmc? If so, the kernel upgrade is relatively simple.
Thanks for your help. Now I ve Mint XFCE installed on my USB stick. although it can only boot in USB 2.0 mode, it is booting "acceptable" - not fast. The system, once booted up, did not "find" the eMMC from which itself was installed (?), but it works quite well. BUT: Now it can't shut down, the mint splashscreen is shown "lm" and that is it. No "real" shutdown. Can't even see what the system is doing because of this screen. Maybe it has fully shutdown but cannot reach the "software OFF-Button"? Or not? Any way to "fix" the USB installed mint? or should I go for the kernel compilation fix on eMMC install? What approach has the higher probability to success?
IMO the kernel thread in charge of partition detection gets stuck/very delayed on your emms detection. That would most likely cause the problem with system shutdown too - the stuck thread does not respond to close request. IMO you will be hitting the problem whether USB or eMMC is used - the eMMC is present and kernel tries to detect the partitions in both cases.

A quick glance at latest kernel source tells the patch (in any form) has not been merged into the official kernel line

I would try booting the ubuntu or asus img from IMO it could have the patches compiled in. Easy way to find out.
from that code lines you can see what is implemented?
the chance of hitting such an issue is low, but then the chance to find one guy who knows details about this is incredible!!
You are quite a strange guy according to my world's standards, where I am the "nerd" for even trying to setup linux on my machines instead of windows. .
Many thanks for helping me! - the Average Joe from the neighborhood would maybe not know as many details! ;-)
Are you involved into linux kernel development?
from that code lines you can see what is implemented?

It is quite easy to see the change in the patch is not implemented:

    for (idx = 0; idx < card->nr_parts; idx++) {
-       if (card->part[idx].size) {
+       if (card->part[idx].size && !(card->part[idx].area_type & MMC_BLK_DATA_AREA_RPMB)) {
                    ret = mmc_blk_alloc_part(card, md,
                                            card->part[idx].size >> 9,

- means the original line, + means the new-version line

The line in current driver is clearly the original one. No rocket science, just public access to source code.

the chance of hitting such an issue is low, but then the chance to find one guy who knows details about this is incredible!!

Yeah, we were pretty lucky that guy knew what was going on and wrote the working patch.

Are you involved into linux kernel development?

Just a bit. Lots of people are.

A simple command lists number of authors who have sent a patch to linux kernel so far:

pavel@sara:~/projects/alsa/sound-2.6$ git log --all --format='%aN' | sort -u | wc -l

13 thousand and it is just the kernel with drivers...