Irma -- taking the toll

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Good luck to you folks in Florida, hope you all come through this ok, we are all thinking of you at this time.

We get bad storms here every winter, the worst one i experienced was hurricane Bawbag which had winds of up to 140mph, that was disturbing enough for me.

Stay safe people.
This image shows that the outer wind bands are impacting the southern tip of the Florida mainland and all of the Florida keys.

Miami TV reports wind gusts to 50 MPH in Miami alternating with periods of calm. The winds in Key west are already continuous with gusts approaching 100 MPH.

The current forecast track (Weather Channel / IBM, not NHC) shows eye wall landfall (the nastiest part of a hurricane) over the Florida Keys just north of Key West, then crossing Sanibel and Pine Islands off the coast of Ft. Meyers before hitting the mainland around Port Charlotte.

The northeast quadrant of a northward moving Atlantic storm has traditionally been the worst which puts Marco Island, Naples, and Ft. Meyers in the ugly zone.


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Yes you're correct. I was speaking to the coming events in Florida. All the tropical islands and countries that were hit first have just gone through this unimaginable tragedy, and the death toll is mounting. Plus they are getting hit twice just days apart. So sad!
Comparing Irma to Hurricane Donna is sobering. The track and timing as far as tides currently looks similar. Although Irma may track more northerly, which could be even more damaging.

The 1960 Donna wrecked large parts of the SW Florida coast and remade many islands and inlets. Much of Captiva Island apparently was created in that hurricane.

Much of the areas Donna hit were sparsely populated at the time. Having been to Fort Myers, I'm always surprised at how fast it's grown over the years.

Irma is a bigger hurricane. So potentially a bigger topology changing deal. Wishing Floridians the best.
From Facebook friend:

"All FL people evacuating to the panhandle who can't find or afford a hotel, Baldwin county(near the Florida/Alabama line) just approved to open up a 44000 sq ft building (address is 19477 Fairground Rd, Robertsdale AL. 36547.( 251)947-3247. It has kitchens, bathrooms and will hold 2000 people comfortably and up to 5000 if needed. They also have outside shelters made for pets etc ..they are setting things up and will be open tomorrow for those in need of shelter! PLEASE copy, paste and share.All FL people evacuating to the panhandle who can't find or afford a hotel, Baldwin county(near the Florida/Alabama line) just approved to open up a 44000 sq ft building (address is 19477 Fairground Rd, Robertsdale AL. 36547.( 251)947-3247. It has kitchens, bathrooms and will hold 2000 people comfortably and up to 5000 if needed. They also have outside shelters made for pets etc ..they are setting things up and will be open tomorrow for those in need of shelter! PLEASE copy, paste and share."
Maybe I spoke too soon about Jose not being followed any time soon?

Is this a record yet? Three Category 4 -5 Hurricanes hitting the Caribbean / Florida within a period less than a month, with the official season not over until Nov 30.


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