ionic breeze si830 uv"c" lamp

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I dug deep inside to change the triac and the fluorescent driver chip but after reassembly bulb won't light up

rechecked all umbilicals detached reattached appropriately, rechecked all cherry switches interlocks, there are no quick connects for wirings they're hard soldered

there's no schematic

the original problem was the triac 10N120BN not the UBA2120P driver because now the propulsion and fresh air scent functions

but before the repair lamp did energize but now for some reason it won't light up

so confusion exists because there are two independent grounds (earths) unconnected, one earth is for powering controller stuff with lamp too, but the other isolated earth is for the ionizing hv and propulsion scheme

these two grounds are marked clearly as "GND" on the boards and I believe resoldering wiring umbilicals back to their "GND" landings is likely where i suspect a screwup

but I don't know which earth is assigned to those two planes unconnected to each other yet labeled identically as "GND"

any resolves? the alternative is to scavenge another to inspect wiring terminations to which of the two separated earth planes
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