• These commercial threads are for private transactions. diyAudio.com provides these forums for the convenience of our members, but makes no warranty nor assumes any responsibility. We do not vet any members, use of this facility is at your own risk. Customers can post any issues in those threads as long as it is done in a civil manner. All diyAudio rules about conduct apply and will be enforced.

Interest for genuine Toshiba 2SJ74BL curve tracer matched quads for J2

1. Quantensprung one Quad (optional 2nd)
2. obh one quad
3. mordikai 1 quad (optional 2nd)
4. Arthur 1 quad (optional 2nd)
5. Rodeodave 1 quad
6. Tazzz 1quad (optionen 2nd)
7. nashbap 1quad (optional 2nd)
8. Dennis Hui 1 quad
9. Skunark 1 quad
10. Russellc 1 quad
11. darrr 1 quad
12. mlwebb 1 quad
13. Myint 67 1 quad
14. yoaudio 1 quad
15. Reima 1 quad
16. CeeVee 1 quad.
17. OtisCampbell 1 quad
18. Kevinheem 1 quad
19. ItsAllInMyHead 1 quad (optional 2nd)
20. JoeyDD 1 quad (Optional 2nd)
21. JimS 1 quad
22. HelmutHolz 1 quad
23. S610adam 1 quad
24. sampsonite 1 quad
25. asanden 1 quad
26. grufti 1 quad
27. meper 1 quad
28. pistollero 1 quad
29. carsten.witt 1 quad (optional 2nd)
30. coolnose

Cut-off point 30 quads.
Last edited:
This is the final subscription list :

1. Quantensprung
2. obh
3. mordikai
4. Arthur
5. Rodeodave
6. Tazzz
7. nashbap
8. Dennis Hui
9. Skunark
10. Russellc
11. mlwebb
12. Myint 67
13. yoaudio
14. Reima
15. CeeVee
16. OtisCampbell
17. Kevinheem
18. ItsAllInMyHead
19. JoeyDD
20. JimS
21. HelmutHolz
22. S610adam
23. sampsonite
24. asanden
25. grufti
26. meper
27. pistollero
28. carsten.witt
29. coolnose
30. Malvin

If you no longer need them please delete your name.
Otherwise you are wasting our time, and delay shipment for everyone else.

We shall ask for payment around 6 December.
No more waiting list. Unsubscribed items will return to store.

This is the final subscription list :

1. Quantensprung
2. obh
3. mordikai
4. Arthur
5. Rodeodave
6. Tazzz
7. nashbap
8. Dennis Hui
9. Skunark
10. Russellc
11. mlwebb
12 remove
13. yoaudio
14. Reima
15. CeeVee
16. OtisCampbell
17. Kevinheem
18. ItsAllInMyHead
19. JoeyDD
20. JimS
21. HelmutHolz
22. S610adam
23. sampsonite
24. asanden
25. grufti
26. meper
27. pistollero
28. carsten.witt
29. coolnose
30. Malvin

If you no longer need them please delete your name.
Otherwise you are wasting our time, and delay shipment for everyone else.

We shall ask for payment around 6 December.
No more waiting list. Unsubscribed items will return to store.

1. Quantensprung
2. obh
3. mordikai
4. Arthur
5. Rodeodave
6. Tazzz
7. nashbap
8. Dennis Hui
9. Skunark
10. Russellc
11. mlwebb
12. yoaudio
13. Reima
14. CeeVee
15. OtisCampbell
16. Kevinheem
17. ItsAllInMyHead
18. JoeyDD
19. JimS
20. HelmutHolz
21. S610adam
22. sampsonite
23. asanden
24. grufti
25. meper
26. pistollero
27. carsten.witt
28. coolnose
29. Malvin

One quad still available.

1. Quantensprung
2. obh
3. mordikai
4. Arthur
5. Rodeodave
6. Tazzz
7. nashbap
8. Dennis Hui
9. Skunark
10. Russellc
11. mlwebb
12. yoaudio
13. Reima
14. CeeVee
15. OtisCampbell
16. Kevinheem
17. ItsAllInMyHead
18. JoeyDD
19. JimS
20. HelmutHolz
21. S610adam
22. sampsonite
23. asanden
24. grufti
25. meper
26. pistollero
27. carsten.witt
28. coolnose
29. Malvin
30. Vasilis
We are ready to call for payment before delivery.

Since we shall certainly missed the Xmas air mail deadline for most of the world, we shall ship after 2 Jan 2020.
However, in order to have time to prepare for shipment and documentations, we need to set the payment deadline at 16 December 0:00 GMT.

Final allocation List for matched 2SJ74BL quads (one quad per person) :

1. Quantensprung
2. obh
3. mordikai
4. Arthur (already paid)
5. Rodeodave
6. Tazzz
7. nashbap
8. Dennis Hui (already paid)
9. Skunark
10. Russellc
11. mlwebb
12. yoaudio
13. Reima
14. CeeVee
15. OtisCampbell
16. Kevinheem
17. ItsAllInMyHead
18. JoeyDD
19. JimS
20. HelmutHolz
21. S610adam
22. sampsonite
23. asanden
24. grufti
25. meper
26. pistollero
27. carsten.witt
28. coolnose
29. Malvin
30. Vasillis

In the next few hours, you will receive a PM from our administration (member XACOO) with payment instructions.
She will handle all the donkey work for the GB.

Please confirm payment, together the following information, by PM to member XACOO :

Your DIYA Nickname
Your Real Name
Your Postal Address
Your Paypal Address
