Intact Audio 1:1 transformers in an Audionote Kit DAC 4.1

Today I replaced the origina 1:1 interstage transformers in my Audionote Kits DAC 4.1 with a couple of 80% Nickel cores custom build by David Slagle (Intact Audio).
The upgraded transformers are a bit bigger than the original ones, but I was able to make them fit quite easily.

The results are quite impressive in terms of wider/deeper sound stage, more clarity in particular on the top end where the DAC 4.1 with the original 1:1 transformers sounded a bit edgy and fuzzy, and in general the music sounds more fluid.

I am really happy with them and I would suggest the same upgrade to all the owners of an Audionote Kits DAC, together with replacing the coupling capacitors with Duelund CAST PIO Cu/Sn.

My next upgrade will be replacing the AN1865 DAC board with a AN1862 one.

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