impedance plot on vented box?

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Hello, I was wondering if the impedance "high points" on a vented enclouser impedance/phase plot had to be or should be the same "height" or "impedance value" on the graph. I did notice my fist test box was a couple HZ off the design tuning frequency and the two high imp. points were not even, then after adjusting the port in length to yield the design tuning frequency, I noticed that the two impeadance peaks are now at the same level on the impedance scale. I was wondering if this means anything like proper allignment or not?
Thanks guy's, this helps alot! well I guess the final test box I have got tuned now is my target. The WT2 tester has kicked back the design volume and also the correct tunig frequency after triming the length of the port another half inch. I have acousiticly measured the design in the final test box and measures +-3db from 45hz thru 300 then gets flater from there. I will have to compensate for about 3db of baffle step up to about 300hz. for an in room response at the center channel listening position I am happy with the result "floor bouce included". This design is using a Peerless 6.5 inch woofer HDS Nomex driver.
Thanks agian for the input!😀
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