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Lucas, Prince of Darkness.

Much has been written about the infamous Lucas electrical parts that were found on almost all early British cars. They were so notoriously unreliable that owners would joke about Lucas, the Prince of Darkness.

The Lucas motto: "Get home before dark."

Lucas denies having invented darkness. But they still claim "sudden, unexpected darkness"

Lucas--inventor of the first intermittent wiper.

Lucas--inventor of the self-dimming headlamp.

The three-position Lucas switch--DIM, FLICKER and OFF. The other three switch settings--SMOKE, SMOLDER and IGNITE.

The original anti-theft devices--Lucas Electric products.

Back in the '70s Lucas decided to diversify its product line and began manufacturing vacuum cleaners. It was the only product they offered which didn't suck.

Alexander Graham Bell invented the Telephone. Thomas Edison invented the Light Bulb. Joseph Lucas invented the Short Circuit.
As for the beer, Stuart thought it was too warm, and we commented that it was too cold for the taste to develop properly!

when my uncle from england comes out here to aus and he has to drink cold beer, he reckons it isn't as good as a nice warm english beer. i tell him to get f'ed if he don't like it and go back where he came from... cold beer is the only way to go in my opinion.

i've never heard of lucas before, but obviously i have been missing out on something good... some of those jokes you told Circlotron are funny stuff. especially the one about the short circuit!!!:D

i must say it is nice to see who is moderating us... a little discomforting to know that the people in that photo are even alowed on this forum, let alone be put in a position of responsibility, but still, nice to know who you are.

by the way sy, i'll take this opurtunity to ask who is that in your avitar??? you haven't changed it for weeks now... never seen you keep one avitar for so long in my short time here.


Actually, I had a smoking monkey for an avatar for over a year. The current one has not gotten changed lately because of my travel schedule. She is Sabine Herold. The one before her was Friedrich von Hayek. Janneman and I have been having a bit of a private game- his current one has me baffled, but I haven't given up yet. Whenever he puts up a physicist, I get it, so he's been switching to engineers recently.

Take my word for it, there are beers best enjoyed cold and beers best enjoyed at red wine temperature. I had both that evening, with the cans on the table being examples of the former.
Actually, I had a smoking monkey for an avatar for over a year.

The very reason i mentioned 'in my short time here.' i wish i was here for the smoking monkey one though!

Janneman and I have been having a bit of a private game- his current one has me baffled, but I haven't given up yet. Whenever he puts up a physicist, I get it, so he's been switching to engineers recently.

and i take it this is why you're switching to political figures... to counter his attack??? nice move!

Take my word for it, there are beers best enjoyed cold and beers best enjoyed at red wine temperature. I had both that evening, with the cans on the table being examples of the former.

well i hope those cans weren't the ones you were enjoying warm!:xeye:

i do not know anyone out here in australia who drinks warm beer... probably more of a cultural thing... i think you're typical aussie culture does not involve the consumption warm beer. otherwise we wouldn't have such colloquialisms like a 'coldy'... would we???

red wine temperature???? excuse the ignorance, i am no wine Connoisseur... actually i really know nothing about wine, so what is red wine temp??? My only experiences with wine involves 4L bags inside cardboard boxes... again, probably a cultural thing can be blamed for my lack of wine apreciation... not that aussies don't drink wine... we drink plenty... the place i live (mornington peninsula if anyone knows it) has litterally dozens of wineries everywhere... i live within walking distance of two! it is probably more the people i asociate with... probably the most expensive alcohol i have ever consumed would have been at my friends 18th last night, and that's only cuz she thought it'd be 'cool' to throw a cocktail party... it wasn't because that is the kind of thing we would regularly engage in... it's all about culture hey? guess that's why the poms drink warm beer...

Re: Lucas, Prince of Darkness.

Circlotron said:
The Lucas motto: "Get home before dark."

In my younger days I had a motocross bike that had, as I found out later when I took it apart, a Lucas kill button. It was made of metal. Ever get shocked by the voltage from a spark plug? It's not fun. I don't know how many Volts this is, but I'm pretty sure it's in the thousands.
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