I’m sick of gutter

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Man! every website I go to there’s an advert for improving my gutters to keep the leaves out. it’s everywhere I can’t escape from them I don’t know why. I don’t remember ever clicking on one of these things to leave some kind of trail which encourages them to chase after me but everywhere I go every website somebody wants to sell me a solution for my gutters. it’s completely out of control. it’s on YouTube it’s on the news channels. is there a leaf epidemic?
Could be worse. You could click on the gutter ad and your wife might think you want to replace or clean all of the gutters. Even if she uses a different computer.

I while ago I visited a site for speakers that I really though sucked somewhat. Her browser suggested that I might want them.

BTW, I get nearly daily calls about vehicle warranty.
My newest car is 2003 with about 240K miles.
Next car is 2001 with 200K miles.
Oldest and most dependable is 1991 with 305K miles.
Joined 2009
Paid Member
Interesting you should bring that up. I mean the fact they're tracking us to the extent that if I google something on my laptop, all of a sudden it's starts being advertised on my Rogers Cable TV exclusively for me. The next door neighbor sees something different, same time same channel. We're there folks.

How much do you like it now?:radar:
I know someone who worked on targeted advertising user/home databases maybe 20 years before browsers existed.

The name/address tracking has existed for a long time.
Records were purchased form car dealerships/newspapers and so fourth. Also from government entities when someone needed some extra change.
Mobile phones listen to you too.. seems it's a thing!

I had it recently where i broke my office chair and went out to use my fathers welder. I was having trouble getting it going so we must have discussed the best method to strike an arc for a couple of minutes while sitting in the drive way. We got it going in the end.

Later that night i fire up the computer, open youtube, and the very first video on my suggested list was "How to Strike an Arc: Stick Welding Basics for Beginners".

Only possible explanation i can come up with was my phone in my shirt pocket because i have never searched for anything welding related ever, that was the first time i had ever used one...
For a few years now I’ve made a point of NOT buying or recommending any products or services that pop up on my computer. Adverts have the inverse influence on me from what they intended. I hate gutters with a passion and will never ever never buy one. Anybody who cold calls me is also banned, automatically. Websites that try to force me to register - closed, gone, immediately without reprieve.
It's a double edge sword, people don't want to pay for services, so companies like google and facebook provide stuff for free if you're willing to give up your privacy and generally people don't care or don't realise the scale and magnitude of information harvesting. Google Assistant and Amazon Alexa are other examples of spying wrapped up as convenience services.

You can block most of this stuff. At a home network level you can use a Pi-Hole or if you use a windows desktop there are programs such as Acrylic and Simple DNS Crypt that that provide a local dns service to block websites and advertisements. There are similar programs for Linux and MAC OS.
Interesting you should bring that up. I mean the fact they're tracking us to the extent that if I google something on my laptop, all of a sudden it's starts being advertised on my Rogers Cable TV exclusively for me. The next door neighbor sees something different, same time same channel. We're there folks.

It’s worse than that. Don’t even have to Google anything or have Alexa listening. I’m writing a work of fiction on my desktop computer (using office 97 not even the new stuff) and ads related to what I’m writing show up on the DIYAudio banner on the tablet I use to post here. Happens too many times to believe it’s coincidence.

I ought to just put some bait on it to give ‘em something to really think about. I can write something as pornographic as the next guy. But then I’d never get RID of it. You think some C4 in the CD slot would help? Would make a pretty light show and make me feel better for a while, but wouldn’t have any effect on the database.
I read recently that Google ads represents a serious potential security threat. Every time you click on a page with Google ads, a whole host of potential advertisers compete to display their ad on your computer. These advertisers have access to a whole lot of your personal information, and the bar for access to that information is very low. In other words, it is possible to set up a bogus company and harvest personal information for nefarious purposes.

It's gotten really spammy too. I was looking at trucks for sale a couple weeks ago, and I get so many ads for Toyotas now. I'll be dipped in doo doo if I'm going to go out and buy a new Toyota. I looked at a porn site a few years ago (weird) and for six months I got ads for what amounted to mail order Russian brides. I'm sorry, but to me that so far beyond decent boundaries that I was offended and repulsed. And I assure you, I have never been in the market for Russian mail order brides. How creepy!

I call it the digital gulag.
Joined 2009
Paid Member
Hi bigun.
Reverse psychology doesn't work on A.I.
Maybe not, but spite helps. I never agree to cookies and ad blockers are in full swing. Guess what? I have zero ads popping up on my computer. Weird thing is they show up on my TV screen. I also don't believe in too many coincidences so I know which ones are for me. Mind you it is infrequent.
You may be able to block th ads on your computers. That does not stop the data harvesting. It not even surprising that it goes on, only the extents to which it does which increase by the millisecond.

And the only way to turn it off entirely is to be somewhere with no internet or cell connectivity whatsoever. Can you even get a land line anymore?
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