• WARNING: Tube/Valve amplifiers use potentially LETHAL HIGH VOLTAGES.
    Building, troubleshooting and testing of these amplifiers should only be
    performed by someone who is thoroughly familiar with
    the safety precautions around high voltages.

Ideas to update Audio innovation 1000 MKIII

Dear everyone,

I am new to tube amp, Audio innovation 1000 MKIII, which sounds fantastic!

I am also interested in improve the sound further. Based on some reading, I know replacing tubes and coupling caps may help.

my questions are:
Which brand of EL34 would be the best sound ones?
For the coupling caps, 0.47uF 600V is the parameter I got, which brand of the caps would be the best?

The schematic can be found here: https://www.drtube.com/schematics/ai/ai1000mk3-amp.gif

Thank you for your time!
Joined 2004
Paid Member
Best ... better ... more better ... do you offer one kidney or arm and leg? :devilish:
Once you get into such a spiral, there is no stopping. :oops:

AI 1000 use Jensen oil-paper capacitors.
The Danish Coherent Audio make Duelund capacitors, which are exactly better....as many boutique manufacturer products (I use teflon V-Cap) ... but all of them pricey as hell. And many of them size such a shotgun shell.

See upper section (original AI capacitors):
AI capacitors.jpg
Miflex make KPCU series capacitors, TME sells its ... but also big size ones.

Choosing EL34 type also a matter of taste ... and the wallet size.
Quad of EL34 is pricey .... if you choose -accepted as good- NOS types (for example Mullard, Telefunken) the bill even goes to the sky.
NOS Tesla or RFT tubes maybe affordable ... or "newer" ones (JJ, SED) can be considered.
I don't recommend new russian or chinese tubes ... but if you is in low budget ... maybe.
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Hi euro21,

Thank you so much for your humorous response.

Yes, indeed, the way to perfection is endless and ends nowhere.

It seems that AI already used a nice cap, in my opinion.:vampire3: but will try the teflon V-Cap in the future, which is also recommended by a friend of audiophila.

For the tubes, I may try JJ first to gain some preliminary experience and then switch into more advanced tubes like NOS.

A bit stupid question, do you think it is a good investment to get a pair of AI 1000MKIII demo model (sounds ok but it is bit old, I would classify it as second hand) at 1600 euro nowadays?

Thank you again for your sharing.

Joined 2004
Paid Member
As investment not sure if it's worth it (even if it's a -relative- cheap price).

If you want to use it, the price range 1000-1500 EUR it's what you can buy it for these days (per mono amplifier).
The value strongly depends on condition, tubes types (manufacturer) and wear out.
If it contain commerce types, or need of tube replacement, the lower segment payable.

For example on ebay ask 3000 EUR for two amplifiers (from Germany). At Netherland ask 1950 for a pair.
If you want to Tube Roll different EL34 tubes, then you should also try Rolling in a KT77.
The amplifier already ties the EL34 screen, pin # 2 to the cathode, pin # 8.
EL34 Pentode
KT77 Beam Power

The KT77 can just drop in place of an EL34 without any wiring, resistor, voltage, or current changes.
Plug and Play

6BQ5 and EL84 amplifiers are good for tube rolling, with no changes to those models of amplifier.

(Plug and Pray occurs when some tube rollers try tubes that have un-equal specifications).
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As investment not sure if it's worth it (even if it's a -relative- cheap price).

If you want to use it, the price range 1000-1500 EUR it's what you can buy it for these days (per mono amplifier).
The value strongly depends on condition, tubes types (manufacturer) and wear out.
If it contain commerce types, or need of tube replacement, the lower segment payable.

For example on ebay ask 3000 EUR for two amplifiers (from Germany). At Netherland ask 1950 for a pair.
Thank you euro21! Now I have more ideas about the values.
Dear everyone,

I am new to tube amp, Audio innovation 1000 MKIII, which sounds fantastic!

I am also interested in improve the sound further. Based on some reading, I know replacing tubes and coupling caps may help.

my questions are:
Which brand of EL34 would be the best sound ones?
For the coupling caps, 0.47uF 600V is the parameter I got, which brand of the caps would be the best?

The schematic can be found here: https://www.drtube.com/schematics/ai/ai1000mk3-amp.gif

Thank you for your time!
You need matched EL34 ( all 4 should be closely matched in each amp)
You also should adjust VR1 for least distortion , this is the main obstacle to good sound. This
adjustment should be checked whenever tube or other components are replaced.

As for brand of tubes , this is not important as long as they are well matched. eurotunes.com does
a first-class matching. Caps and resistors ?? Let them be !