IC Echo device

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Has anyone got a Schematic for building an Echo delay device not too hard to build?
Aside from that I would be interested if one could also control the same device through a midi pedal??
Thanks a lot:rolleyes:


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Thought I'd mention that Digitech makes a rack mount S-100 effects processor which has a lot of nice digital effects, including echo, which can be controlled via MIDI for around $150. I own two of them and have been very happy with them. By the time you buy the parts you'll have almost that much in an analog echo which won't have anywhere near the audio quality or MIDI control.
Ubijoux said:
Hi Brion,
I know what you mean..having owned a Q2 and a Q20 from Alesis.
But I really wanted to build a small device not too expensive and then have a midi controller controlled by a midi pedal..
Anyway, I will keep searching..
Thanks anyway:)

The main problems with building your own echo unit are that all the suitable chips were discontinued years ago, you used to be able to buy analogue delay lines (called BBD's 'bucket brigade devices'). Nowadays you would probably require a digital solution?, digitising the audio, storing it in memory, and reading it back out after a time delay.

For a cheap echo unit you might try something like
This! - which isn't available quite yet, but you can buy more expensive ones from other manufacturers.
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