I think I've condensed in only 4 Laws the guideline for the best-in-class audio chain

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Words are not " only ", they represent everything and you have to use them as accurately as possible.

There's no accurate word to express listening perceptions. People is highly required to use logic, to connect the dots and to read between the lines.

But the conclusions about mental exhaustion in listeners about the sound of the transistor are interesting .....

For me it's a fact (more than just something interesting). And I think I know why.

The writer agreed that moving from the old analog to the modern digital he heard improvements but lose something related to enjoyment. I experienced this more than two decades ago. And instead of going back to tube amps I decided to find the best of both worlds, starting with solid state class A.

In simple words, I wanted a modern system that sounds sufficiently enjoyable (I don't want super duper enjoyable system that will corrupt my time from doing more useful things in life).

I tried to figure out where this enjoyment came from. After two decades, am I successful? I don't know yet. I have found my amps are superior than all the best amps designed by others that I have built but the enjoyment experience is not quite there yet. But note that I'm not using high quality source/CDP/DAC like I was, which may be the bottleneck!

I'm in the process of building several class A amplifiers. Then I will restore my digital players. Then side by side comparison. If I were disappointed with my (best) class B amps, I will go back to class A solid state (not tubes!) only this time I will design my own best class A amp, starting with the Extrema output stage. If it still fail, I will use hexfets output ala Nelson Pass.
diyAudio Moderator
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No I haven't, but amps with high HD2 usually sound euphonic
You assume people build SET for high H2. Aren't there some that design for low (all other HD), then work for lowest remaining H2?
Show me an accurate amp that doesn't have a low output impedance
That would be a cheap shot if it wasn't such a clueless assertion.
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Yes, it is a DTQWTII Troels cabinet. There is really no electronic cross over, the crossing of the bass zone is 150 hz, with the passive xover of the cabinet, the JBL external speakers replace one of the Eminence. Troels suggested that I do not leave the speaker offline by acting as a passive radiator, which was the idea, and that it directly covers that hole on that side of the horn. I never did it, because it was just an experiment, something unsightly because of the loose connections.
There's no accurate word to express listening perceptions. People is highly required to use logic, to connect the dots and to read between the lines. <snip>
I don't know what a way out I don't understand when you say that you decided to enter the best of both worlds, and then "not the valves!". Do you mean using only valves at the CDP outlet? Lampizator style modifications?

The test of the article is quite strict in that the tube amplifiers give more musical enjoyment and do not irritate the ear, then, if you do not go through the tubes in the amplifier and prefer the class A SS (you will have equal or worse heat problems and consumption there), what is the reason? The trouble of tweaking bias when you replace tubes? That's why I chose Prima Luna, the autobias works really well, without problems, I have changed many different valves without needing to austen anything. And the switching from pentode to triode "hot" is another virtue of this amplifier. I do not apologize for the brand, I must clarify, only my experience. I don't know what a hexfets output is but I think I guess you are talking about field effect transistors.

I understand that its behavior similar to the valves is more noticeable in the preamp stages, but it is probably repeating things once read as a parrot.
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Fair enough, then it boils down to efficiency, Bruno Putzey's latest Class D amp springs to mind, you don't need high efficiency speakers anymore or to worry about manipulating resonances to get an acceptable frequency response at the expense of accuracy. There's more than one way to skin a rabbit :)
I don't understand when you say that you decided to enter the best of both worlds, and then "not the valves!". Do you mean using only valves at the CDP outlet? Lampizator style modifications?
The test of the article is quite strict in that the tube amplifiers give more musical enjoyment and do not irritate the ear,

Most of the enjoyment issues regarding tube vs solid state is actually issues between class A (tube) versus class B (solid state), especially the global feedback which is a must in class B. I'm fine with ss class A enjoyment. The next issues are (1) transconductance (2) distortion.

In general we can arrange in order of similarity (such as transconductance): tube in triode mode --> tube in pentode --> fet class A --> ss class B. I'm sure that choosing any one in the middle (or its hybrid) is possible for best of both world. Solid state will be technically easier (such as to achieve high power high transconductance), while tubes, as you know there are unique issues.

So, these are the best amps in the world, yet designed for responsible enjoyment :tongue:

Yes. It's comparing between class B. Basically because electricity issues. It's the drawback, so class B design must pay attention to enjoyment aspect while class A design must pay attention to transconductance and distortion.
I think the major aspect with kt77, el34, kt88, kt120 is very subtle....

You cannot find issues that distinguish the audibility of coloration if you do a THD test.

Actually EL34 properly implemented have lower THD than kt77, and kt88 at lower volume, so it should sound better, however the kt77 sounds a little better and the kt88 a lot better, just why?

If you run square waves, sine, triangular, change the duty cycle, etc, all those tubes have similar defects and similar qualities...

If you run IMD, they all are excellent, the kt120 is by far better in IMD of course, you can have more feedback, more power etc...

But it doesn't explains anything... only if, you run a IMD in high resolution and you combine 2000hz and 2040 hz and you push it to clipping, it doesn't take much but you will see the clipping in IMD is very bad for el34, kt77 little better, but kt88 and kt120 does not clip that bad in IMD close signals and not at such low power,

it takes only two close signals of combined power of 10 watts to produce a real horrible mess of a noise with el34, it doesn't matter if it can play with 40 watts a single signal, it will fail at under 2 watts with a real music signal.
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